Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum


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      dyna replied to the thread PMT - Patriot Battery Metals.
      Today's announcements : The one on the right says , " North America's Next Lithium Powerhouse ! "...
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      dyna replied to the thread GQG - GQG Partners Inc.
      Yeah I wouldn't be buying now , either . Too late . Let it go . Today's S. P . up 5 1/2 % to $ 2.50 . Slightly increased dividend...
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      dyna replied to the thread MSB - Mesoblast Limited.
      MSB 's on the road this week , flogging its recently FDA approved Ryoncil at a heath conference in Honolulu . S.P. down to $ 2.83...
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      dyna replied to the thread FFM - FireFly Metals.
      Bit of unpacking to do with today's announcements . Market seems to be O.K. with it , as the S.P. 's holding up a bit at $ 1.03 ...
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      dyna replied to the thread The Science Thread.
      A new high energy Neutrino particle has been detected by a telescope at the bottom of the sea off the french coast , reports Nature...
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      Right now , I 'm half-way through his history of the Commanche : " Empire of The Summer Moon " , 2010 . I spent a fair bit of time in...
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      dyna replied to the thread SUN - Suncorp Group.
      Heap of announcements out today ( 12 th Feb . 2025 ) some not final , just yet . e.g. : Suncorp has received a draft ruling from the ATO...
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      dyna replied to the thread REH - Reece Limited.
      Yeah , there are those many times when you have to admit defeat and look elsewhere. Another one that just got away . The difference...
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      dyna replied to the thread FFM - FireFly Metals.
      Since the start of the month , Just 11 days ago , this little battler is up 20 % . Up 7 % today . Just hit the big buck ( closed at $...
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      dyna replied to the thread BEN - Bendigo Bank.
      S.P. has been at about the $13.50 level for past few months . No change today either . Black Rock has been accumulating since maybe...
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      dyna replied to the thread LRV - Larvotto Resources.
      Was 60 cents just 5 days ago . Today , S.P. up 9 % to 84 cents . Volume was roughly 5 mill per day , now nearly double that . Market...
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      dyna replied to the thread GQG - GQG Partners Inc.
      S.P. up 3% to $ 2.33 on latest monthly F.U.M. numbers out today , namely : a $ 7 Billion inflow for the past month to total $ 160 billion .
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      dyna replied to the thread Israel - Palestine.
      Maybe Lebanon will do it . Umm , maybe not . The PLO were boy scouts compared to the Hamas lads .
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      dyna replied to the thread MSB - Mesoblast Limited.
      Old mate , G.G. 's back for another bite . Just another 37 million this time , taking his haul of MSB up to 243 mill or 19 % . What...
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      dyna replied to the thread Dump it Here.
      For a long time now , I' ve been thinking If I was starting from scratch all over again , I 'd not even bother with individual shares...
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