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    • wayneL
      wayneL replied to the thread The Media.
      Oh yeah we forgot. Anyone ever so slightly to the right of Mao is "extremely, ridiculously far right".
    • wayneL
      wayneL reacted to macca's post in the thread Australian Politics General... with Like Like.
      Having a vent but plenty of people agree with him...
    • wayneL
      wayneL replied to the thread The Media.
      We have an economy which does not actually produce anything apart from asset inflation and a little bit of wheat. We trade stocks and...
    • wayneL
      wayneL replied to the thread The Media.
    • wayneL
      wayneL replied to the thread US Election Thread.
      The irony!
    • wayneL
      wayneL reacted to IFocus's post in the thread The completely useless irrelevant thread with Haha Haha.
      Maybe because it will lead to this
    • wayneL
      wayneL reacted to sptrawler's post in the thread The Media with Like Like.
      That is so true, maybe it was unavoidable, but the move of Labor to the right and Liberal to the left started in the 1970's and now we...
    • wayneL
      wayneL replied to the thread The Media.
      Define progressive. I am of the opinion that both sides of politics should be rather more conservative... In their own ideological way...
    • wayneL
      wayneL reacted to SirRumpole's post in the thread The Media with Like Like.
      Tell it to the Greens. ;) They seem anti everything to do with manufacturing stuff here and prefer they were made in China.
    • wayneL
      I didn't assume that and was just making a general point. And I agree with you there 👍
    • wayneL
      wayneL reacted to SirRumpole's post in the thread Israel committing Genocide in Gaza with Like Like.
      Why do you assume I am a supporter of the UN ? Imo they have been hijacked by Russia, China, Saudis, and other nasty governments that...
    • wayneL
      wayneL reacted to JohnDe's post in the thread Israel committing Genocide in Gaza with Like Like.
      Yes, that list he supplied is just the left and their ridiculous thought process. Imagine if the allies laid down their arms in 1939...
    • wayneL
      wayneL replied to the thread Australian Politics General....
      Absent of critical and unselfish thinking, I believe they are cycles at play. I have to mentioned the book called The Fourth Turning...
    • wayneL
      wayneL reacted to sptrawler's post in the thread Australian Politics General... with Like Like.
      The only saving grace IMO, is some of the Western countries have recognised the underlying issue and still lead the world in many...
    • wayneL
      You might have taken my point a bit backwards, but the overarching point is there. Neither you or I really know how it was reported in...
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