Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Mr. Trump (The Donald) To Win in 2024

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
Having some time out from the hurly burly of life, as I have had recently, is not all bad. It gives one a chance to catch up, assess and reassess, read, listen and challenge one's beliefs. That is as long as one has a guarantee of surviving, as I have. One of these beliefs was that Mr. Trump would not be a better President for the USA than Mr. Biden or any of the possible Democrat contenders. I now believe the opposite as do a close majority of the drinkers here at the pub and a majority of electors in the USA.

I watched him being interviewed by Tucker Carlson on this week just gone and was impressed by his thoughts on and vision for America. I lived there with Democrat supporting family many years ago as a teenager and have some knowledge of the USA "on the ground" working in construction. They are now Trump supporters.

Tucker Carlson is independent of Murdoch and Big Media influence and has a keen mind and good interviewing skills. His discussion with Mr. Trump was wide-ranging and covered domestic and international politics and economics as well as the 2020 stolen election.

I had a close look at Mr. Biden and his administration and the Biden family's treatment by the Democrat supporting media. It is quite disgraceful how the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC the ABC and other liberal media refuse to comment on the Biden family crimes.

Mr. Biden is a disgraceful figure to the USA. How a person's capacity who suffers obvious dementia could not be examined more by the print, TV and online media is beyond me. I trust that he is surrounded by a sane circle who will keep the world safe from any lala moments.

So in summary Mr. Trump has my backing in the coming election. I have also examined the 2020 election through Mr. Trump's eye and believe it to have been stolen. I moreover believe that the world would be a safer place now ( had he won in 2020 ) and in to the next five years with Mr. Trump as President.

Very good gumnut.

Stolen election indeed. The US electoral system has been the same for 200 years and if it was good enough to vote Trump in it was good enough to vote him out.

The US electors took a good look at Trump in 2020 and didn't like what they saw. After the revelations of his attempted vote buying, I'm not sure they will buy his snake oil again.

Anyway , it's their decision and good luck to them.
Very good gumnut.

Stolen election indeed. The US electoral system has been the same for 200 years and if it was good enough to vote Trump in it was good enough to vote him out.

The US electors took a good look at Trump in 2020 and didn't like what they saw. After the revelations of his attempted vote buying, I'm not sure they will buy his snake oil again.

Anyway , it's their decision and good luck to them.

Thanks for the reply @SirRumpole. I thought like you before I dug down in to it.

Unfortunately the US election system has not been the same for the past 200 years which is one of the reasons I now support Mr.Trump in his bid for the presidency. When one drills down in to the reasons why The Donald believes the 2020 election was stolen it is no suprise that so many Americans support him.

And with all the bussing in of voters and suspicious mail in votes garnered from Democrat havens such as San Francisco and Pennsylvania it is no wonder that a majority of Republican voters suspect that the last election was a stolen one.

The US has gone to hell in a basket under Biden who is quite gaga. He also does run a criminal racket with his son Hunter via pre-Zelenskyy era corrupt Ukrainian money. It is likely the Democrats will put this imbecile up for re-election again. Besides it is not unusual for Democrat families to be up to their gills in corrupt practices. The Kennedy clan were famous for it. And they keep the money for generations. I believe one of the Kennedys is Ambassador to Australia.

Thanks for the reply @SirRumpole. I thought like you before I dug down in to it.

Unfortunately the US election system has not been the same for the past 200 years which is one of the reasons I now support Mr.Trump in his bid for the presidency. When one drills down in to the reasons why The Donald believes the 2020 election was stolen it is no suprise that so many Americans support him.

And with all the bussing in of voters and suspicious mail in votes garnered from Democrat havens such as San Francisco and Pennsylvania it is no wonder that a majority of Republican voters suspect that the last election was a stolen one.

The US has gone to hell in a basket under Biden who is quite gaga. He also does run a criminal racket with his son Hunter via pre-Zelenskyy era corrupt Ukrainian money. It is likely the Democrats will put this imbecile up for re-election again. Besides it is not unusual for Democrat families to be up to their gills in corrupt practices. The Kennedy clan were famous for it. And they keep the money for generations. I believe one of the Kennedys is Ambassador to Australia.

gg a couple of intersting posts pennd by you. But i still belive that the Trumpet and Bison both should belong to the late Lord Such's Raving Loony Party of those years ago.
Interesting RUMOURS comming out of the "US of A" that Dear Old Donald THUMP is, Under the US of A Constitution, NOT ELIGIBLE to be included on ANY Election Ballot as he has violated some obscure Section of their Constitution.....
Hmmmmmmmm, the World Markets should like that news, IF IT IS TRUE - we need to wait'n'see......
Interesting RUMOURS comming out of the "US of A" that Dear Old Donald THUMP is, Under the US of A Constitution, NOT ELIGIBLE to be included on ANY Election Ballot as he has violated some obscure Section of their Constitution.....
Hmmmmmmmm, the World Markets should like that news, IF IT IS TRUE - we need to wait'n'see......
I'd take either The God Emperor or Vivek... maybe even RFK jnr.

Anyone else will be a disaster for the USA and the world.

I hope it goes Trump 2024, Vivek 2028.

If they exclude Trump, the shyte will truly hit the fan, believe you me.
maybe even RFK jnr.
Wrong thread I guess( wouldn't know where to put it , anyway ) for a really interesting Eric Clapton interview from just last week , google You Tube , Robbie Robertson , RFK Junior. It's 47 minutes.
Interesting RUMOURS comming out of the "US of A" that Dear Old Donald THUMP is, Under the US of A Constitution, NOT ELIGIBLE to be included on ANY Election Ballot as he has violated some obscure Section of their Constitution.....
Hmmmmmmmm, the World Markets should like that news, IF IT IS TRUE - we need to wait'n'see......
I can hear The Trumpet now FAKE NEWS, Fake I tell youse
Trump Subs 01.jpeg
The lawsuit challenging Donald Trumps legal right to be on the 2024 Presidential ballot are on teh go.

‘It is in the public’s interest’: Judge refuses to toss voters’ insurrection clause lawsuit to kick Trump off 2024 ballot, speeding the case towards trial​

It will be a huge slap in the face for the media if Trump does win the election, I don't think I've ever seen a more protracted campaign against anyone like this before.
If he get's up, it will show how fed up the U.S population is with the media circus, I personally don't think he has a chance in hell.
But if he does, it will certainly show that people still have a mind of their own.
Pratts Trump Tapes: Worth a read.
Also interesting that Keating and Abbott are on Pratts payroll.

Talking about Trump:
“He knows exactly what to say and what not to say so that he avoids jail … but gets so close to it … that it looks like to everyone that he’s breaking the law. He won’t go up to someone and say: ‘I want you to kill someone’. What he’ll say is he’ll send someone to tell someone to kill someone.
(I don't think Pratt means to be taken literally).

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