Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Recs from Aussie Stock Forums

28 January 2021
Can someone please explain. I received an email advising me to buy this stock ONE from Aussie Stock Forums on 15 March 2021. Is that an email from this Forum?

Why do they send these emails?

The stock has done very well since they recommended it. Is that normal? This is the first time I've tracked one of their recommendations so am curious if this is a common occurrence?

Thanks for the help.
Hi, the email was a paid promotion sent on behalf of S3 Consortium Pty Ltd. I should point out that there was no advice to buy. There was, however, fairly extensive research presented that was very optimistic about ONE's prospects.

These emails go out from time to time as a way of generating revenue. Like all businesses, it is necessary for us to generate enough revenue to cover operating costs and hopefully enough of a surplus to assist ASF to grow.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Hi, the email was a paid promotion sent on behalf of S3 Consortium Pty Ltd. I should point out that there was no advice to buy. There was, however, fairly extensive research presented that was very optimistic about ONE's prospects.

These emails go out from time to time as a way of generating revenue. Like all businesses, it is necessary for us to generate enough revenue to cover operating costs and hopefully enough of a surplus to assist ASF to grow.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Thanks for the reply and information.

The email says "We...". Who is We? Is that Aussie Stock Forums? Or is it S3 Consortium. The email is from Aussie Stock Forums so if it does not come from you it should clearly say otherwise.

Nowhere does the email say it is a paid promotion. If it is a paid promotion as you say then you should clearly state that in the email.

I was told this forum is a great place to discuss stocks and it does seem to be so far. But for someone like me new to the forum it can be very misleading to get these emails without them clearly stating what they are.

Hi, the email was a paid promotion sent on behalf of S3 Consortium Pty Ltd. I should point out that there was no advice to buy. There was, however, fairly extensive research presented that was very optimistic about ONE's prospects.

These emails go out from time to time as a way of generating revenue. Like all businesses, it is necessary for us to generate enough revenue to cover operating costs and hopefully enough of a surplus to assist ASF to grow.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Same question as on the "other" Thread ;)
Thanks for the reply and information.

The email says "We...". Who is We? Is that Aussie Stock Forums? Or is it S3 Consortium. The email is from Aussie Stock Forums so if it does not come from you it should clearly say otherwise.

Nowhere does the email say it is a paid promotion. If it is a paid promotion as you say then you should clearly state that in the email.

I was told this forum is a great place to discuss stocks and it does seem to be so far. But for someone like me new to the forum it can be very misleading to get these emails without them clearly stating what they are.


The header of the email says "Next Investors" which is the trading name of S3 Consortium Pty Ltd and the fine print at the bottom of the email goes into who S3 Consortium Pty Ltd are and contains various disclaimers and disclosures.

However, I take your point and will ensure that any future emails make it clear that they are being sent by ASF on behalf of another company. I certainly do not want anyone to be mislead about who the promotion is actually from, and I apologise for any confusion caused.
The header of the email says "Next Investors" which is the trading name of S3 Consortium Pty Ltd and the fine print at the bottom of the email goes into who S3 Consortium Pty Ltd are and contains various disclaimers and disclosures.

However, I take your point and will ensure that any future emails make it clear that they are being sent by ASF on behalf of another company. I certainly do not want anyone to be mislead about who the promotion is actually from, and I apologise for any confusion caused.
Thanks. Appreciate the response.

I’m happy to get any relevant info just want to understand where it’s coming from so I can ascertain whether to rely on it.
Thanks. Appreciate the response.

I’m happy to get any relevant info just want to understand where it’s coming from so I can ascertain whether to rely on it.

Understood. I appreciate the feedback and will make things clearer with any upcoming emails.
Thanks for the reply and information.

The email says "We...". Who is We? Is that Aussie Stock Forums? Or is it S3 Consortium. The email is from Aussie Stock Forums so if it does not come from you it should clearly say otherwise.

Nowhere does the email say it is a paid promotion. If it is a paid promotion as you say then you should clearly state that in the email.

I was told this forum is a great place to discuss stocks and it does seem to be so far. But for someone like me new to the forum it can be very misleading to get these emails without them clearly stating what they are.


Let's call a spade a spade.

The header of the email says "Next Investors" which is the trading name of S3 Consortium Pty Ltd and the fine print at the bottom of the email goes into who S3 Consortium Pty Ltd are and contains various disclaimers and disclosures.

SPAM is sent by "Aussie Stock Forums"
The emails I've received are being sent by "Aussie Stock Forums" - SPAM disguised from a trusted source. Joe, you can sugar coat your response any way you see fit but the email is designed in such a way to be "misleading".

I don't find your response to be all that accurate & by the time we read the fine print (at the bottom), everyone has already been SPAMMED!

Email header
SPAM sent from ASFCapture.JPG

The definition of SPAM
These emails meet the definition of SPAM - (SPAM of the worst type).
"It's irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over the internet, typically to a large number of users, for the purposes of advertising, phishing, spreading malware, etc."


"Aussie Stock Forums"These emails go out from time to time as a way of generating revenue. Like all businesses, it is necessary for us to generate enough revenue to cover operating costs and hopefully enough of a surplus to assist ASF to grow.

I accept this
But I don't accept the manner in which you are doing it.

I hate unsolicited emails (SPAM)
@Joe Blow, can you opt-out of these emails & still retain access to the forum?

@Paolo C, thanks for raising this annoying issue of unsolicited messages sent from "Aussie Stock Forums"

I hate unsolicited emails (SPAM)
@Joe Blow, can you opt-out of these emails & still retain access to the forum?

the fine print at the bottom of the email goes into who S3 Consortium Pty Ltd are and contains various disclaimers and disclosures.

Here is the fine print
SPAM - small print Capture.JPG

This is the email you receive when you unsubscribe from the SPAM - it unsubscribes you from ""Aussie Stock Forums""

SPAM unsubcribe - Capture.JPG

Understood. I appreciate the feedback and will make things clearer with any upcoming emails.

That well & good - but I would rather opt-out of this service altogether.

Its free enterprise, acting on it is voluntary, acting on ONE would have made money, it's not frequent, isn't spam where you're bombarded with material from a medium with which you have no connection? Never saw it as a recc from Aussie Stock myself, passed on it as unobtrusive advertising. For the naive, they have to learn how the world works - can't be wrapped in cotton wool from much worse than this. Go woke, go broke.
I hate unsolicited emails (SPAM)
@Joe Blow, can you opt-out of these emails & still retain access to the forum?
As I have never received spam from ASF it 's definitely possible.
I suppose there is an area in the "settings" that lets us do this.
I hate unsolicited emails (SPAM)
@Joe Blow, can you opt-out of these emails & still retain access to the forum?

I am faced with certain economic realities. One of those is that ASF must operate as a business in order for it to survive. Like most businesses, it has expenses that must be met each month. Bills that need to be paid. To do that it needs to generate revenue. It generates no direct revenue from those who use it, as it has always been free and will remain so. So revenue must be generated in other ways, and the primary way that it achieved is through advertising, specifically display advertising and email advertising.

From the Terms of Use:
You agree to maintain a valid and functioning contact email address at all times and to make that email address available for Aussie Stock Forums to send you occasional email communications, some of which may be advertising.

If you have suggestions about alternate sources of revenue then I am happy to hear them. Otherwise, I have no alternative but to carry on as I have been and generating revenue for this business via advertising.
I have no alternative but to carry on (SPAMMING) as I have been and generating revenue for this business via advertising.
The bracketed word (SPAMMING) is added to Joe's comments above as it adds clarity from my point of view

This is the point
Most would agree that we open emails from trusted sources & if you need to sell that "trust" as a commercial enterprise it's entirely up to you.

Unsolicited emails
Emails from trusted sources are one way to deliver advertising, but they can also be used as a vehicle for phishing, spreading malware & even spreading misleading & false financial information. (not the mention the of collecting data & email addresses that can be on sold)

Think about this
The SPAM received from a trusted source is for "whose benefit", certainly not mine.

That's the question you need to ask
By receiving these emails - who gets the benefit?

Correct me if I'm wrong
I'm assuming the emails are never vetted by you (Joe) before the SPAM is disseminated to your forum members.

I didn't get the email.

I want to be added to the email list @Dona Ferentes is on. I hate unsolicited emails & SPAM.

Think about this
The SPAM received from a trusted source is for "whose benefit", certainly not mine.

That's the question you need to ask
By receiving these emails - who gets the benefit?
I get at least 40 emails on average, per day.
I have 2 folders in my email settings.
If it's a trusted source then it is automatically added it to my personal folder.
Everything else filters to the trash folder which takes me 2 minutes to scan at most, before deleting en masse.

In this day and age spam is ubiquitous and I don't even "unsubscribe" any more as years ago it was a malicious link that crashed my computer.

As to your point, without ASF - which relies on a revenue stream - folk like me and many others would not benefit from your posts.

Aside from that, I guess my ASF settings have opted me out of ASF spam, which, in the greater scheme of things is would always have been very low on my embuggerment scales.
I'm not going to keep playing tennis with Joe
I'm just saying if "Aussie Stock Forums" is going to keep the policy of SPAMMING members with (advertising)
(1) it should be clearly marked as such giving everyone the choice to open the email &
(2) an option to opt-out (unsubscribe) from the mailing list.

News sites do it
News sites also get revenue from placed advertisements (designed as news) but it's clearly marked - all I'm asking is that you do the same.

SPAM - AD - Capture.JPG

I rest my case
@rederob nailed it. SPAM is a prick to handle when it's "disguised" & sent from a trusted source.

I get at least 40 emails on average, per day.
I have 2 folders in my email settings.
If it's a trusted source then I will have added it to my personal folder.

I post content for FREE
All I'm asking is to be "FREE" from unsolicited emails (SPAM)

Give me a choice
How? - by giving me the OPTION to opt-out.


This is the point
Most would agree that we open emails from trusted sources & if you need to sell that "trust" as a commercial enterprise it's entirely up to you.

Yes, email advertising is necessary to keep ASF online.

Unsolicited emails
Emails from trusted sources are one way to deliver advertising, but they can also be used as a vehicle for phishing, spreading malware & even spreading misleading & false financial information. (not the mention the of collecting data & email addresses that can be on sold)

If any email from ASF has ever been used for phishing, the spreading of malware or misleading and false financial information then I would really appreciate you letting me know about it. To the best of my knowledge, this has never occurred.

Think about this
The SPAM received from a trusted source is for "whose benefit", certainly not mine.

That's the question you need to ask
By receiving these emails - who gets the benefit?

ASF receives a benefit, and I am presuming the advertiser also receives a benefit. As a direct result of the revenue generated, ASF remains online.

Perhaps, as a result of ASF remaining online, there may be many more in the future who can say something like this:

Yes, I've been lucky
I want to express my gratitude to ASF members who have helped me to become a lucky trader, my trading results are from standing on the shoulders of other.

Thank you "Aussie Stock Forums" without this site I wouldn't have become a trader at all.

I can't quite say with any certainty how many benefit directly (or indirectly) from ASF remaining online as a free educational resource, but I presume there have been many in the last 17 years, and will hopefully be many more in the future.

Correct me if I'm wrong
I'm assuming the emails are never vetted by you (Joe) before the SPAM is disseminated to your forum members.

I vet all emails before they are sent out.

I want to be added to the email list @Dona Ferentes is on. I hate unsolicited emails & SPAM.

I'm not sure why @Dona Ferentes is not receiving any emails, but I will check on it.