Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Beginners - Introduce yourselves!


I started late Feb, little bit before things really hit the fan, I should've waited a week or two. But just made a 33% return on my first sale so good enough entry time.
Anyway, you guys are great, as are some youtube videos. But the one thing I can't get an answer on is, on IG Markets some stocks show live prices rather than 20 min delay. Any ideas why IG do this and/or their criteria for selecting stocks to show live price?

Hey guys,

Im Jimmy

I began trading around 2008 in forex and was introduced to bitcoin around 2011 and made a little bit of money then started trading forex and lost consistently. Made a lot of money (multiple 6 figures) in the crypto 2017-2018 boom then took a break after some big losses (still came out on top) late 2019 early 2020 leverage trading btc but couldnt catch a break. I finally decided to move into stock trading and so far seems well in part because of the coronavirus (buying the dip).

I hope to share my experiences and learn from yours.

Seeya around!

I started late Feb, little bit before things really hit the fan, I should've waited a week or two. But just made a 33% return on my first sale so good enough entry time.
Anyway, you guys are great, as are some youtube videos. But the one thing I can't get an answer on is, on IG Markets some stocks show live prices rather than 20 min delay. Any ideas why IG do this and/or their criteria for selecting stocks to show live price?

Hey guys,

Im Jimmy

I began trading around 2008 in forex and was introduced to bitcoin around 2011 and made a little bit of money then started trading forex and lost consistently. Made a lot of money (multiple 6 figures) in the crypto 2017-2018 boom then took a break after some big losses (still came out on top) late 2019 early 2020 leverage trading btc but couldnt catch a break. I finally decided to move into stock trading and so far seems well in part because of the coronavirus (buying the dip).

I hope to share my experiences and learn from yours.

Seeya around!

Welcome to ASF @JimmyKesh and @Metal Teeth!

I'm glad you found us and hope your time here is both enjoyable and educational. Don't be afraid to jump in and join in the various discussions. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate here.

If you have any questions, please ask them. I will do what I can to assist.

Otherwise, I hope you enjoy exploring the sixteen years of content here. There is a wealth of knowledge and experience in the 25,000 odd threads here that you can tap into simply by using the forum search feature. If you need any assistance or encounter any difficulties, just let me know. :xyxthumbs
I hope to share my experiences and learn from yours.

@JimmyKesh welcome to the ASF community, old hands are welcomed with open arms, sharing your experiences will be a bonus for us all. Picking over your first post & reading between the lines let me make a few general comments.

Losing Money
No one likes to lose money, but it is an inescapable part of the trading. There is no method that has ever been developed that doesn’t lose money some of the time.

The simple reason for this is that trading in all of its various forms is a probabilistic endeavour. This means that for any given trade that sets up, there is a probability that it will be a winner, and there is also a probability that it will turn out to be a loser.

Psychological hurdle
Loss aversion is a significant psychological hurdle for traders to overcome even though loss is a natural part of the trade setup probabilities.

Our attitude
Trading would no doubt be easier psychologically by adopting an attitude that losses are unavoidable and natural.

Above all else, traders must accept the facts: we are operating with incomplete and uncertain data and every trade has a definite probability of loss.

The "Dump it here" thread
It's sometimes daunting finding your feet in a new forum but till you do "make the search feature" your best friend. I'm always suggesting new members should check out my thread first as it may be helpful to some. The "Dump it here" thread has morphed over time from the psychological side of trading to more hands on system evaluations & posting new trading ideas. Check out the "Dump it here" thread -

Our mind deceives us
"Perception = reaction" & that's the very reason I'm a system trader. If you want to see deception in action how are minds are fooled (deceived) check out the hyperlink from the "Dump it here" thread: or the the next graphic.

Which is longer?
Another example - If you think B is longer, you're not alone

eye deception.jpg

I hope to share my experiences
the "Dump it here" thread would be a perfect platform for doing so.

Repeating your tag
"Seeya around!"

Hi guys,

I am a relatively new person at ASX where I started trading with shares in November. All my deals were profitable so far, never lost any money. However, due to Covid-19 most of my current positions went into paper loss. My family is a business family, we used to do business in our home country, Kazakhstan. These days my parents are investing in so called investment trusts but I am speculating with shares. Would like to learn more about shares speculating and investing.
Hello Everyone,

My name is Rohit and I have been investing and trading in the markets for over 15 years since my University days in India. However, my returns have been mediocre at best with mostly fighting to recover my losses.

I moved to Australia in 2014 and only started investing in ASX in the last two years and started trading ASX in the last 2 months.

I am excited to be part of this community and will do another post to see if I can find a mentor, preferably in Sydney with whom I can get some one on one or small group interactions.
Hello! This may be a stupid question, but I started buying and selling stocks in the last few weeks and now I have received lots of letters form the companies I bought. Is there anything I need to do about that? Thank you!
Hello Everyone,

I have been investing (very basic) with set and hold strategy but want to spread my wings a little and give this a proper go. Have decided to do some learning so would love to hear and read as much as I can. I have found the stock market to be a really interesting place that can reward and punish if you are not careful.

hope everyone is safe and well.
Hello Everyone, I have been investing (very basic) with set and hold strategy but want to spread my wings a little and give this a proper go. Have decided to do some learning so would love to hear and read as much as I can. I have found the stock market to be a really interesting place that can reward and punish if you are not careful.

Hi @Chip welcome to the ASF community. New members always bring a fresh perspective & it appears you are starting on the right foot using a "set and hold strategy" to get you started. The Aussie Stock Forum has many quality posters & it won't take you long to find your way around.

Help is at hand
New members join our community looking to learn how to trade successfully. I know there are many members who are willing to help you with this. Make the search feature your friend, use it to get answers quickly.

Listen to everyone & read only the post that interest you
From my experience it pays to listen to everyone & than you decide if it’s relevant or helpful to you. You get to decide what to keep & what to discard. If you don’t listen to advice you'll forgo the right to learn. Education is the key when it comes to trading. As the saying goes, if what you learn leads to knowledge, you become a fool - but if what you learn leads to action, you can become wealthy. In the meantime check out my educational thread.

The “Dump it here” thread
If you read a few of my posts I’m sure you’ll want to keep reading a few more

What's trading all about - found here:

My free eBook
A free beginners eBook in ePub format "Trading Fundamentals - Skate's Beginners Version eBook" can be found here:

Enjoy poking around..

G'Day All,
I have just started learning about investing in Shares and EFT. I have not done a single trade and a bit nervous. I have invested in property in the past and then decided to focus on paying my home loan mortgage out. So I sold my investment properties and nearly paid my home loan off. I have spare cash sitting and a bit of saving every month. I thought to invest in shares. I have started reading on websites and magazines.
My goals: I dont want to be a trader ( I wont get sleep) as I love my job but want to earn more than a CPI and trade a bit like a hobby which could help in retirement.
Risk: Not a low to medium risk taker and prefer a mix of Long term hold shares and short term hold shares
Questions: Sites where I can learn more about trading for starters Shares, ETF and where I can get good recommendation reports. I have a login to Commsec and Westpac.
G'Day All,
I have just started learning about investing in Shares and EFT. I have not done a single trade and a bit nervous. I have invested in property in the past and then decided to focus on paying my home loan mortgage out. So I sold my investment properties and nearly paid my home loan off. I have spare cash sitting and a bit of saving every month. I thought to invest in shares. I have started reading on websites and magazines.
My goals: I dont want to be a trader ( I wont get sleep) as I love my job but want to earn more than a CPI and trade a bit like a hobby which could help in retirement.
Risk: Not a low to medium risk taker and prefer a mix of Long term hold shares and short term hold shares
Questions: Sites where I can learn more about trading for starters Shares, ETF and where I can get good recommendation reports. I have a login to Commsec and Westpac.

Hi Steve welcome aboard.

Well done
After reading your post it seems you have done everything right to secure your future, so well done so far. When we all start out we tend to be nervous with a bit of apprehension thrown in. Being a low risk taker LIC's maybe your starting point to get your "foot in the door" when it comes to trading.

LIC's compared to trading don't have the same returns because of the way they are structured but it's a safe (as can be) passive way of investing, they are dividend investors for a better word. They are long term holders of the big low volatility companies (they play it safe) with low volatility normally goes hand in glove with low returns. Investing funds in licenced investment companies (LIC's) has the ability to give investors a greater sense of stability, security & peace of mind knowing funds are professionally managed, a vehicle that would get you started in the markets & they trade just like any other share. Having a CommSec account you are ready to go.

Do some research
Argo (ASX: ARG) and Australian Foundation Investment Company (ASX: AFI) are two funds that have been constant dividend performers & prices at the moment indicates capital growth could be on the cards as well.

Set & Forget Investing
This investment strategy, investing for dividends, is a simple ‘set-and-forget’ style of investing, it’s easy and stress free, over time there is a double whammy, dividends and capital gains. The dividends can be reinvested through their dividend reinvestment plan (DRP) or you can have the dividends paid into your bank account for living expenses, it’s up to you to decide how the dividends are dispersed.

Investing can be scary
No investment strategy is safe, but this style of investing is on the safer side, on the lower scale of risk. LIC’s are safer than most other investment vehicles because they have pooled funds that are professionally managed and they aren’t affected by member withdrawals as they are ‘closed funds’.

Help is only one post away
The Aussie Stock Forum is chock full of members who are only willing to help if you have any questions.

I've got a great idea
In the meantime check out my educational thread. Education is the key when investing.

Read my 'Dump it here' thread
The 'Dump it here' thread starts here:
Investing is what you have asked about but if you want to know what's trading is all about it can be found here:

Just for you - a free eBook (to get you started)
Trading Fundamentals - Skate's Beginners Version eBook

All the best...

Hello! This may be a stupid question, but I started buying and selling stocks in the last few weeks and now I have received lots of letters form the companies I bought. Is there anything I need to do about that? Thank you!

Hi Laura,

I do not know why you are getting so many letters, I do not get any letters at all
Hi all

This might be a ridiculous question but sometimes I do not understand what ASX companies want to say when they release short messages like BHP Price Target Raised 14% to A$40.00/Share by Citi. I do not know how to interpret this piece of information as English is not my first language. Does anybody know what it means and explain the idea of this message?
Hi All
Im New here and a small investor who is wanting to start selling puts on stocks Im content with owning if the price drops but also generate a income from it if they dont drop.
Any advice will be appreciated and also what platform/broker do you recommend to do this as most i have looked into dont offer this option or are too expensive.
Thanks in advance
Hi everyone, I am new to stock and trading.
In my 40s and don't have a clue. Right now I'm reading the forums and trying to figure out if I should open a CommSec account or go through a broker. Thanks for having this community here.
Hi everyone, I am new to stock and trading.
In my 40s and don't have a clue. Right now I'm reading the forums and trying to figure out if I should open a CommSec account or go through a broker. Thanks for having this community here.

Hi @NorthernQuokka welcome to our community. If I can give you one piece of advice it would be to educate yourself before risking $1.

I've got a great idea
Check out my educational thread. Education is the key when investing or trading.

Read my 'Dump it here' thread
The 'Dump it here' thread starts here:

Just for you - a free eBook (to get you started)
Trading Fundamentals - Skate's Beginners Version eBook

Thank you for those links Skate.

I saw your eBook in the other thread.
I'm downloading it as we speak.

I'll have a read of it all before I put any money in.

I'm just anxious to get started as I feel I am very behind!

Thanks again!

Hi @NorthernQuokka welcome to our community. If I can give you one piece of advice it would be to educate yourself before risking $1.

I've got a great idea
Check out my educational thread. Education is the key when investing or trading.

Read my 'Dump it here' thread
The 'Dump it here' thread starts here:

Just for you - a free eBook (to get you started)
Trading Fundamentals - Skate's Beginners Version eBook

Thank you for those links Skate. I saw your eBook in the other thread. I'm downloading it as we speak. I'll have a read of it all before I put any money in. I'm just anxious to get started as I feel I am very behind! Thanks again!

@NorthernQuokka you have joined the ASF community two weeks too late as I've started live trading a new strategy for those itching to have a go. Without saying any more it would better if you read all about it from here: & here: & here: & here: - hey, just keep reading from this point & you soon understand the format. Look for any of my posts that have the "Action Strategy" Logo.

The Action Strategy
This is a "no thinking strategy" as you just follow along with me. It's a small $20k portfolio (trading 20 X $1k positions). After 2 weeks the strategy is showing a nice profit. My weekly updates are after the close of trade on a FRIDAY (tomorrow). Saturday is where I report what I'm buying & selling. Monday updates after the close (if there were purchases on Monday). All the rules are displayed below & easy to follow.

Don't forget to check-in tomorrow
After 6pm tomorrow (Friday) I update the Action Strategy performance for the week just closed. Don't forget to check-in & see how the strategy is performing. If you are anxious to start, let's see how this strategy performs first. Don't get overwhelmed it's easy to follow & you read those few links I've supplied you above.

1 FRIDAY New Information Action Strategy Logo with Disclaimer Arrow minor version.jpg

Live trading strategy links

This is informative

Last edited:
Hi I'm Scott, 59, from Sydney. New to trading so...yeah, a bit of a late start.

I know this is asked millions of times, but if you have any recommendations on how to learn, please let me know.

In the meantime I'm hitting the Trading/Investing Forums, as well as searching the whole of ASF. But it's hard to search when you don't even know what you're searching for.

And if I'm completely honest, my initial perusing of ASF shows the signal-to-noise ratio may be low (???). I'm not sure what race problems in the US have to do with stock trading?

I'm anxious to get started but need to balance learning by doing (and trying to keep mistakes small) vs. studying forever and never getting started.

(Heading to Amazon to buy books on Buffet, Lynch, Soros, ... lol)

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