Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Posting Guidelines

Welcome to Aussie Stock Forums!

Before you begin posting content on Aussie Stock Forums, please take a moment to review the following Posting Guidelines.

These Guidelines have been formulated to make Aussie Stock Forums an enjoyable place for everyone and to increase its effectiveness as an online resource.

Posting Guidelines

1. Before starting a new thread on a particular stock or topic, please use the search feature to see if there is an active thread on the same stock or topic. This will help prevent unneccesary duplicate threads and will make Aussie Stock Forums a more effective resource. Duplicate threads will be merged or deleted by moderators.

2. Please make sure that the title of your thread accurately reflects its content. In the case of a thread about a particular stock, the thread title should include the company's ASX code and its name in this format: 'XZY - XYZ Corporation'. Misleading thread titles will be edited.

3. When starting a new thread, please be sure to post it in the most appropriate forum. Threads that are posted in the wrong forum will be moved by moderators.

4. Before clicking 'submit', please take a moment to proofread your post to avoid any unneccesary spelling or grammatical errors. After submitting your post, you will have twenty minutes to make modifications to it. After this time if you wish to modify your post you will need to contact either the administrator or one of the website moderators.

5. Please do not use all capitals in either the title of a thread or the body of any post. This is the online equivalent of shouting and these posts and thread titles will be edited accordingly.

6. Do not bump a thread without adding new information of some sort. Bumping a thread simply to draw attention to it is considered a form of ramping and these posts will be deleted.

7. Posts that contain spam, affliliate links, links to inappropriate content or contain any kind of obscene language or images will be either edited or deleted by moderators.

8. Any promotional or special offers by merchants or advertisers must first be authorised by the website adminstrator before being posted to the forums. Any unauthorised promotions will be considered spam and deleted. To review our policy on forum spam, please see this thread: ASF policy on forum spam

9. Please do not post links to other stock market forums without prior permission from the administrator. We do not spam other forums with our URL and we expect the same courtesy in return.

10. Each user is only allowed one ASF account. If you register more than one username you will be banned permanently from ASF with no questions asked!

11. The following information concerns ASIC's Regulatory Guide 162:

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Aussie Stock Forums members are solely responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of their posts, including any alterations made to posts.

It is not permitted for Aussie Stock Forums members to ask for or offer specific buy, sell or hold recommendations on particular stocks, as a response to a request of this nature may be considered the provision of financial advice.

Information for Those Viewing Content on Aussie Stock Forums

Posts made on Aussie Stock Forums do not constitute financial advice and do not take into account the individual circumstances and needs of particular investors. Before acting on the basis of any information presented in a post on Aussie Stock Forums you should:

(i) consider consulting a licensed adviser (ASIC's website at has a list of licensed advisers); and
(ii) visit ASIC's consumer website at for general guidance about investing;

Any member found to be deliberately posting misleading or deceptive information, or carrying out illegal or unauthorised activities, will have their Aussie Stock Forums account terminated without notice and any offending posts removed immediately.

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Please also take a moment to review the Aussie Stock Forums Code of Conduct and Terms of Use. You can find a permanent link to them near the bottom of every page.

Thank you for your co-operation and please enjoy the forums!

Note: The forum administrator reserves the right to add to, alter or delete any of the above Posting Guidelines at any time.
