Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

JRV - Jervois Global

Hmmm, I'm taking a punt on this one. If there is a JV announcement with the Chinese it can't be far away. Sp has had a wobbly old rising low since late March but basically gone sideways. Still plenty of interest though as it manages to make the top twenties for volume and trades fairly often even though the price hardly moves. Either I'm incredibly insightful or a complete idiot! Lets hope I'm just lucky... ;)
A look at the last six months on a daily chart, from the jump in price about 20th Jan. a line drawn underneath reveals a steady uptrend on the highest volume since inception. The magnitude and possibilities of the nickel laterite (now said to be .72%, not .58% as thought previously) at Young NSW, near to infrastructure is sinking in. If we are to believe the CEO then an agreement with the Chinese consortium is immenent, and soon. Some sell off occrred in the last few days, I suspect some ballancing for the end of financial year. Some technicals have effected the Nickel price also over the last week or so but low inventories and high demand from Chindia will see new upticks in the coming months. We wait and see.
Todays Australian refer the last article,20876,22056161-15023,00.html

It's been a while since Daily Assay had a look at all things Jervois Mining.

Last time it was mentioned, Jervois was poised to sign a deal with Chinese mob Guangdong Guang Ye Assets Management (Guang Ye) to joint venture development of the low-grade Young nickel/cobalt project in NSW.

Negotiations were continuing, Jervois said, after Guang Ye representatives toured the Young project in a 10-day tour in May.

Nothing much has been mentioned since.

Jervois is nearly always among the top-turnover plays on the ASX every day because of the massive stock liquidity and any share price movement is keenly followed by the punters.

Daily Assay was unable to get a hold of Jervois management today with managing director Duncan Pursell out of the office and on site.

Apparently he will be back on Friday.
Daily Assay was unable to get a hold of Jervois management today with managing director Duncan Pursell out of the office and on site.

Apparently he will be back on Friday.[/QUOTE]

Well it is now Friday. Big increase in volume today, larger buyers this afternoon. Quarterly report due in the next week and the nickel price has met support and is rising again.

Wall Street analyst's are admitting that they may have underestimated the strength in China's expansion. All could be coming together here IMHO
just waken up by the pain of stomach. Nothing to do. So write down some research of JRV
total shares: 1,739,186,597
options: 50,000,000@0.02 Expiry date 1 Sept 2010
143804613@0.01 (total:302,614,259 offset executed:158,809,646) Expiry date 30 Nov 2007
current market value:1,739,186,597*0.023=40M
cash: 5M

outstanding project:
Young Nickel project @ nsw
167m*0.72%=1.2MT NICKLE * 100=120M= 0.06C jrv (100$ is referenced from RMI calculation by Young_trade. I myself donot understand it very well)
167m*0.07%=0.116MT cobalt.
08/02/2007, JRV had an MOT with Chinese GuangLe. it will expired at 07/08/2007.

Bullabulling GOLD mine: not profitable. They said they will take some action at 30/06/2007. But no ann about this yet.

NYNGAN Nickel+cobalt+Scandium exploration at NSW

Uranium exploration at WA

Forest reefs exploration with JV newcrest.

strong point: Chinese link
week point: low grade nickel.
prospect: JV with Chinese GuangLe.

Just provide some fact and number. any correction welcomed :)
ASX ann today

26/07/2007 Quarterly Cashflow Report
Money in the bank totals Cash at end of quarter $5,951,227

26/07/2007 asterix Quarterly Activities Report

Nickel/Cobalt Laterite Exploration Licences 5527, 5571 and 5152
Possible Ferro-nickel Production
Jervois Mining Ltd has made, possibly, the most significant advance to date in its quest to bring the company’s Young (NSW) nickel laterite deposit into economic production. It is clear from a recent economic study and supporting testwork, that direct smelting of the Young nickel/cobalt resource followed by a nickel/iron alloy beneficiation step is a fast-track route to economic nickel production (see below for further details). Shareholders should understand that the direct smelting route is now a viable and competitive alternative to the chloride leach route which is still being pursued.

Mintek, South Africa
Mintek was commissioned to prepare an initial report ‘Indicative Capital and Operating Costs’. This initial report was followed by a second report entitled ‘Further Simulations and Economic Analyses on the Young Ferro-nickel Project’. Mintek are specialists in mineral and metallurgical technology, with significant experience in smelting of low grade nickel laterites (

Xstrata Process Support, Falconbridge, Canada
A report has been received from Xstrata Process Support, Falconbridge, Canada (XPS). This group was commissioned during the quarter to conduct preliminary laboratory smelting testwork covering a 'Preliminary Investigation of the Metallurgical Treatment of the Jervois Young Nickel Laterite Ores for Ferro Nickel Production'. Xstrata carried out this work at their Extractive Metallurgy Division in Falconbridge, Ontario, Canada.

Guang Ye Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
Following the technical visit of Guang Ye Assets Management Co Ltd in May 2007, Jervois, through its Chinese agents, Double Link Pty Ltd, have been in regular contact with Guang Ye. The preliminary terms for a possible joint venture as discussed in Melbourne on 17/5/07, were translated into simplified Mandarin and passed to Guang Ye for comment. Jervois is awaiting a reply. In the meantime, Jervois has been approached by another Chinese company, recognised as one of the largest steel makers in China. An invitation to visit has been extended by Jervois and following the granting of entry visas – expected in a few days – the company expects to meet representatives in Melbourne on 30 July 2007.

Exploration Licences 59/1264, 77/1332, 1333, 1345
Exploration Licence Applications 59/1257, and 77/1440, 1441
New Age Exploration Limited earning 60% over 3 years Exploration Licence 59/1257 at Nalbarra received no objections in the advertising phase and is expected to be approved and recommended for granting in the near future.

Prospecting Licences 15/4742-48
Prospecting Licence Applications 15/4798-99 and 4887
New Age Exploration Limited earning 60% over 3 years Prospecting Licences P15/4798 and 4799 have been approved and recommended for granting – a process that normally takes only a few days.

Exploration Licence 4620
Newcrest Operations Limited 80%
Jervois Mining Limited 20%
Newcrest Operations Limited advised that while no field work was carried out, EL4620 has been fully renewed for two years to 18 November 2008.
interesting ann
"Jervois is awaiting a reply. In the meantime, Jervois has been approached by another Chinese company, recognised as one of the largest steel makers in China. An invitation to visit has been extended by Jervois and following the granting of entry visas – expected in a few days – the company expects to meet representatives in Melbourne on 30 July 2007"

From 8 February 2007 MOU with Young:
"Jervois has given a commitment that it will not deal with any other Chinese entity while Guang Ye is considering its decision. This commitment would last for 6 months."

So I think GuangYe is gone.:)
ASX ann Aug 9
09/08/2007 Progress Report

Young, NSW Smelting Project Update
Direct smelting of the nickel and cobalt bearing laterite ore has, due to high nickel prices, become an attractive alternative to the previously proposed and on-going chloride leach treatment. In this regard, the presence of the Moomba-Sydney gas pipeline, plus the ready availability of coal in NSW, has given major impetus to this proposed smelting alternative.

Process simulation for the mining of about 4 million tonnes per annum of laterite would yield 29,000 tonnes per annum of contained nickel in a ferro-nickel product at saleable nickel grade. The graph shown below plots Internal Rate of Return (IRR) against the nickel price in US dollars per pound of nickel for a 20 year project. The Young resource should be capable of producing 0.8% nickel in laterite to any smelter for up to 20 years. Any lower grade resource could be treated in a chloride leach system. Some overlap of
the two proposed processes would be likely during actual production.

Bullabulling South
Prospecting Licences 15/4742-48 and 15/4798-99
Prospecting Licence Application 15/4887

A reverse circulation drilling rig is due to arrive on 11/8/07 and drilling will start immediately. The main targets of the drilling programme are nickel/copper sulphides (as at the nearby Nepean Nickel Mine) and gold mineralisation similar to past discoveries at Bullabulling, specifically the Gibralter mineralisation which is the nearest large open pit. The maximum depth of drilling will be 150 metres at present.

Nyngan, NSW - Scandium
A preliminary report from Xstrata in Canada on small scale smelting tests has been received. This scandium work achieved what was expected and the testing will now be expanded to include the smelting of larger samples. It is considered that further explanation might be prejudicial to the commercial interests of Jervois and its shareholders.

As foreshadowed in the recent quarterly report, an approach has been made by a second Chinese group interested in joint venturing the Young nickel project. As a consequence, on 30 July 2007, Jervois met representatives from that company.

They were fully briefed on the Jervois nickel laterite projects and expect to complete their appraisal within 30 days. That group claim particular expertise in smelting.

Guang Ye Assets Management Co Ltd
Our Chinese agents, Double Link Pty Ltd, report that the group’s interest is on-going. We await the outcome.
Todays Australian refer the last article,20876,22056161-15023,00.html

It's been a while since Daily Assay had a look at all things Jervois Mining.

Last time it was mentioned, Jervois was poised to sign a deal with Chinese mob Guangdong Guang Ye Assets Management (Guang Ye) to joint venture development of the low-grade Young nickel/cobalt project in NSW.

Negotiations were continuing, Jervois said, after Guang Ye representatives toured the Young project in a 10-day tour in May.

Nothing much has been mentioned since.

Jervois is nearly always among the top-turnover plays on the ASX every day because of the massive stock liquidity and any share price movement is keenly followed by the punters.

Daily Assay was unable to get a hold of Jervois management today with managing director Duncan Pursell out of the office and on site.

Apparently he will be back on Friday.

Well the time has come, the minute of understanding ends next week. ominously silent on all fronts, though selling seems to have dried up, who knows
The period of the Memorandum of Understanding with Guang Ye has now expired. Combined with a number of other unsatisfactory reporting tendencies, one is left wonder what at may take for the regulators to take an interest in the management of this company.

Great inferred promises with no follow through
I sent email to Kevin Andrusiak requesting to write update on his prior news report on JRV dated July 11, 2007 per below:,20876,22056161-15023,00.html

It's been a while since Daily Assay had a look at all things Jervois Mining.

Last time it was mentioned, Jervois was poised to sign a deal with Chinese mob Guangdong Guang Ye Assets Management (Guang Ye) to joint venture development of the low-grade Young nickel/cobalt project in NSW.

Negotiations were continuing, Jervois said, after Guang Ye representatives toured the Young project in a 10-day tour in May.

Nothing much has been mentioned since.

Jervois is nearly always among the top-turnover plays on the ASX every day because of the massive stock liquidity and any share price movement is keenly followed by the punters.

Daily Assay was unable to get a hold of Jervois management today with managing director Duncan Pursell out of the office and on site.

Apparently he will be back on Friday.
I sent email to Kevin Andrusiak requesting to write update on his prior news report on JRV dated July 11, 2007 per below:,20876,22056161-15023,00.html

It's been a while since Daily Assay had a look at all things Jervois Mining.

Last time it was mentioned, Jervois was poised to sign a deal with Chinese mob Guangdong Guang Ye Assets Management (Guang Ye) to joint venture development of the low-grade Young nickel/cobalt project in NSW.

Negotiations were continuing, Jervois said, after Guang Ye representatives toured the Young project in a 10-day tour in May.

Nothing much has been mentioned since.

Jervois is nearly always among the top-turnover plays on the ASX every day because of the massive stock liquidity and any share price movement is keenly followed by the punters.

Daily Assay was unable to get a hold of Jervois management today with managing director Duncan Pursell out of the office and on site.

Apparently he will be back on Friday.

If we look at the wording of your last two posts Bigdog, we seem to be going around in circles, unless I am missing something.

And certainly a long way from a high turnover stock these days. Luckily, I think, got the bulk of my money out a few weeks ago just as it fell through .025 But I believe we should determine to get to the bottom of this one.,25197,22400611-15023,00.html

DAILY Assay September 11, 2007 JRV update by Kevin yesterday

Refer the second story in article:

Now back to our favourite NSW junior nickel laterite hopeful, Jervois Mining.

Shareholders, and there are plenty given the 1.85 billion shares floating around on the market, have pinned their hopes that there are a number of supposedly interested Chinese partners coming to the fore to help develop Jervois' massive Young nickel laterite play.

After Chinese mob Guangdong Guang Ye Assets Management had a sniff around Young in May, Jervois indicated they were poised to sign a deal.

There's been nothing since, although Jervois boss Duncan Pursell said early August that another Chinese group had become interested.

Meanwhile, Jervois was looking seriously at an option to direct-smelt the laterite ore to produce up to 29,000 tonnes of nickel concentrate a year.

So what gives with the lack of communication on all things Chinese?

Pursell told Daily Assay today that we shouldn't be reading too much into the lack of an update on all things Jervois and Chinese.

Both Guang Ye and the other mob are still very interested in the company's hopes and dreams. At least that's what the Jervois agent tells him.

When asked if he wanted things to move a bit quicker, Pursell responded "I've tried".

"There's not a lot more that I can do," he said.

"Things move slowly sometimes when you do business in China. But that's the cross we have to bare."

JRV 9:41 AM Progress Report re Young Nickel/Cobalt Laterite

On 30 July 2007, the company met representatives of United Sino-Steel Investment & Engineering Co Ltd (USS). That company was represented by Liang Dong (Chairman) and Xu Ying, Vice President. USS is part of the Shougang Group, based in Beijing and founded in 1919. The Shougang Group has been recognised as one of the largest steel makers in China with particular expertise in smelting.

USS were fully briefed on the Jervois nickel laterite projects. On 10 August, USS advised that a second visit to Australia was required for further discussions. These would include “several major issues related to the structure of the possible joint venture” and “other technical and financial issues to be clarified and understood”. The company profile provided by USS forms part of this announcement.

As a consequence, Jervois has invited the Chairman, Liang Dong of USS to re-visit, accompanied by 3 other executives. A second meeting therefore now seems probable in October 2007. Shareholders are advised that whilst these Young, NSW negotiations may well be ultimately successfully concluded with a Chinese group, it is going to be a slow process and may take some months to complete.

Company Profile:
United Sino-Steel Investment & Engineering Co., Ltd., incorporated under the Corporate Law of People’s Republic of China in 2005, is strategically positioned and actively engaged in energy and resources related developments, commodities import & export, logistics and shipping, projects investment and management. With head office in Beijing, China,the branch companies and representative offices operate worldwide either independently or with selected strong and competent local partners. The composite of shareholder's structure is well balanced in terms of financial capability and technical expertise, which guarantee our clients, partners, stakeholders, host country authorities that the projects are handled professionally from due diligence to engineering, and to successfully commissioning. Our invaluable international investment expertise and project management experience as well as long-time nurtured relationship with critical government authorities in various host countries give us an unparalleled advantage and competitive edge to maneuver at will in a more sophisticated and complex business environment as an outward looking and environment friendly enterprise.
JRV - Jervois Mining Limited

Check yesterdays arvos announcment. It looks promising

Guang Ye, with whom the company had a Memorandum of Understanding (now expired) have dropped out only to be immediately replaced by Guandong Province New Technology, Zhuhai PR China. There are three other major
Chinese groups active also and requesting meetings with Double Link. There is also great interest from a mining and smelting group based in the Philippines which has opened discussions directly with the company.

All this activity points to the strong possibility of a partner for Jervois and the resultant potential for an increase in shareholder value.


Re: JRV - Jervois Mining Limited

Check yesterdays arvos announcment. It looks promising

Guang Ye, with whom the company had a Memorandum of Understanding (now expired) have dropped out only to be immediately replaced by Guandong Province New Technology, Zhuhai PR China. There are three other major
Chinese groups active also and requesting meetings with Double Link. There is also great interest from a mining and smelting group based in the Philippines which has opened discussions directly with the company.

All this activity points to the strong possibility of a partner for Jervois and the resultant potential for an increase in shareholder value.



"Guandong Province New Technology"

Watch this closely:

Nickel Metal Hydride rechargeable batteries - forte of Guangdong
Nickel Stainless Steel Coil and Strip - forte of Guangdong
Nickel Metal Hydride button cell - forte of Guangdong
Li/Nickel batteries are the way of the future - forte of Guangdong

I could go on but this is beginning to look plainly obvious. JRV is now firmly on my watchlist. I can see why it has drifted but this may be shortlived.

As I say, just watch.
Yesterday's Australian,25197,22803507-15023,00.html

Jervois Mining in rough stretch
Kevin Andrusiak | November 22, 2007

IT has been some time since Jervois Mining popped up on the Daily Assay radar.

For the uninitiated, Jervois is one for the day traders with many millions of shares changing hands every day, as the 43-year-old company negotiates the maze of becoming a nickel laterite producer with its massive deposit near Young in NSW.

By the sound of the chairman's address at today's AGM, things aren't going too smoothly for Jervois.

“This is not where I expected the company's progress to be at this time,” Duncan Pursell told shareholders when commenting on the company's radical hydrochloric acid leach plans to unlock the nickel at Young.

“We are two year's behind.”

While Jervois grapples with the technicalities of hydrochloric acid leach, it has also taken the chance to look at direct smelting of the Young ore - or pig nickel.

Pig nickel has gained popularity with Chinese mills to relieve nickel production shortages, but is by no means a long term solution to their seemingly insatiable resources appetite.

The problem with the ore at Young and pig nickel production is that the cobalt could attract a penalty.

As for who has cast an eye over the project to become a financial partner, it is fairly old news that there are a number of Chinese partners looking.

That talk has been around for most of the year, yet nothing seems to have been put down on paper in what would be a deal maker for the company.

Now it seems that a Filipino nickel mining company has also expressed interest.

In reality, Jervois is still years away from nickel production (outside of Pig Nickel) at Young. The share price has lifted more than 50 per cent in the past 12 months from 1.1c to 1.6c, but the big return investors are hoping for is going to take plenty of patience.

At least Pursell and the board have decided to get rid of the Bullabulling operation where it was hoping the funds from heap leaching of the ore to extract gold would provide a steady cashflow to develop Young.

“In the event, it has been a liability in operation.”

Given that in ground resource is around $360 million worth of gold, according to Pursell, and obviously nothing to do with the JORC code, it should prove relatively easy to dispose of.

But Pursell saved the best for last, waxing philosophical on the state of play in the world's economy.

“The company has potentially valuable mineral assets but with a market cap of less than $30 million is decidedly in the minnow category.”

“If we were listed on AIM or the Vancouver exchange (he might possibly meant the Toronto Stock Exchange because the Vancouver Stock Exchange hasn't been around since 1999 when it merged with the Alberta Stock Exchange to create the Canadian Venture Exchange which specialises in small-cap listings) there is little doubt that the market cap would be much bigger.”

And this about the state of the global economy: “A huge rise in the gold price is still highly likely against a background of a falling US dollar, the sub-prime mortgage crisis in the USA and the strong possibility of an inflationary surge worldwide.”

“This latter a near certainty with most commodities at 3 to 8 times the levels seen just a few years ago.”

Too true, Duncan. It sounds like there's never been a better time to be a nickel miner.

Now mush mush on Young.
Looks like some activity is returning back on this counter....hit 1.8c today....has moved up by 0.2c (no big deal, but looking at the recent past - that is a movement IMO)....any idea if one of the "many potential JV" could eventuate???
Yeh the last couple of days has got me curious aswell. JRV has been trading with higher volumes than we've seen in the past couple of months. One could only think JV with Chinese about to finnally happen. This stock has certainly been in a downward trend from disappointment of no announcement of a JV that has been in the pipelines for a while now. If JV happens I think its reasonalble to expect a sp jump between 2.5 - 3 cents. I'd love to know what everyone else is thinking with this one?

I went to the AGM & asked Duncan if Jervois is still in talks with Sino-Steel? To which Duncan answered: Yes!!
So we will see. It would be good if he gave an update regarding Sino-Steel to the shareholders/market.

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