Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Recent content by Bellcose

  1. B

    Superannuation, the ultimate government cash cow?

    Harking back to this. I saw it but was involved in other matters and forgot to reply. That news article should be rolled up into a ball and thrown in the waste paper basket. The glaring omission, deliberate or not, is not stating this has been on the burner before 2016. In that year...
  2. B

    Superannuation, the ultimate government cash cow?

    The members have already been "fined" @peter2. From the last annual report, which I assume all members have read carefully' And I can guess where the funds will come from to pay any fine. CBus did something similar when the Courts allowed it to amend the Trust Deed to impose a fee on...
  3. B

    Ageing population

    When I lived in Melbourne and regularly caught trams, on a hot Summer's morning I certainly knew who had been eating garlic the night before.
  4. B

    SOL - Washington H. Soul Pattinson and Company

    From it's last annual report. Note SOL's financial year ends on 31 July. Obviously, we don't know its present NTA. It isn't an LIC, although some view it as having the traits on one, so it does not provide a updates throughout the FY. One aspect to keep an eye on is how the composition of...
  5. B

    SOL - Washington H. Soul Pattinson and Company

    Sometimes a few shares changes hands. SOL substantial holder notice regarding LAU. and the buyer?
  6. B

    VDAL - Vanguard Diversified All Growth Index ETF

    No probs. It wasn't difficult as I generally know where to look in the PDS. It's odd really. When I have been asked about investing in ETF's, I suggest to first read the PDS. Pretty much all the responses I get is they don't have time to do that. At that point I lose interest in assisting...
  7. B

    VDAL - Vanguard Diversified All Growth Index ETF

    From the PDS.
  8. B

    VDAL - Vanguard Diversified All Growth Index ETF

    Yes. Interesting that it also includes the underlying funds which is seems to be the trend with a number of Vanguard products. Unlike VDHG there is no fixed interest or bond allocation.
  9. B

    VDIF - Vanguard Diversified Income ETF

    Listed on 5 March. MER is 0.32%. ASX Code VDI.
  10. B

    VDAL - Vanguard Diversified All Growth Index ETF

    Listed on 5 March under ASX Code :VDA. No bond allocation. MER is 0.27%
  11. B

    The Romance Scam thread

    Sorry to learn that @farmerge. From what I have heard through lawyers, family estrangements are not uncommon.
  12. B

    The Romance Scam thread

    Not directly related to scams but it does imply there are some people are close to be considered such. It is one reason never to get hitched again.
  13. B

    The completely useless irrelevant thread

    All back online yesterday. Installers arrived at the appointed time, completed the work by 11 am and after a clean up, which was thorough, left by 11:30 am. A long wait but the outcome was worth it.
  14. B

    Coffee price

    Moka pot. A few $$ to buy one and a few minutes for a lovely morning brew. Takes up very little space too.
  15. B

    The state of the economy at the street level

    Is the council responsible for maintenance at the beach> If so I wonder if public liability is involved and they are trying not to get involved if somebody cuts their foot on a piece of glass and then sues the council claiming lack of duty of care? It's probably why lids on take-away coffee...