Re: ANH Up 85% in a few days
Yes they did mention these possible reasons but I thought that these general statements would hardly explain a 400% increase (2c to 10c)
They hit 10c today but are now off their peak.
Re: Lipa Pharmaceuticals (LIP)
They are a generic drug manufacturer. They floated after PAN went under and went as high as $2.70. They later announced they would not meet propectus forecasts and have slowly fallen since then. The recent rise is not impressive if you look at the chart.
I sold...
Re: ANH Up 85% in a few days
Now up to 9.5c on the basis of "we know of no reason for the increase" reply from the company for the second time.
It must stop sometime.
Re: ANH Up 85% in a few days
Since my last post has now gone to to 5.4c. This is now up 280% in a few weeks.
Amazing increase. I think I will sell today.
Re: ANH Up 85% in a few days
They just posted response to speeding ticket that they know of no reason except that an internet advisory company called "invest 4 member mail" posted a buy recommendation yesterday. I have never heard of them but they must be influential.
ANH was OPM which is a dog of a stock I have held for a while. I had given up and have not been watching them.
Last week traded at 1.9c. Yesterday closed at 3.5c after trading as high as 3.9c. Quite an increase.
Anyone else hold these?
Re: RBY oh my
I would have thought that the current pull back is due, as you say, to the stranded from last time selling out.
I think that now is the best price you will get for a while and that they will rise from again over the next few weeks.
Unlike some other speculative stocks they...
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