yea, Disney+ would definitely be an addition to Netflix rather than user choosing one over the other.
Disney the brand is, of course, those cartoon and family friendly "Disney" stuff kids and parents come to trust. But they also own other studio/brands that make more matured/violent pics...
Not Israel though. The two have been getting quite close of late.
Likely target would be Iran... Yemen is already stuffed. Qatar wouldn't be hit now even though SA wanted to... Can't because hidden genius Kushner boy wonder there just got paid some $1.5B by Brookfields on order of a Qatari...
When Aldi first started in Australia, I remember reading in the press they were compared to a Nazi invasion of sort. I think it was Dick Smith saying that. Didn't use the word Nazi, just "German".
I rarely shop there as I hate buying grocery bags and packed the items myself. Then a $2 for the...
and beer... guess where I'm heading off to today?
My wife have always said I'm a cheap drunk 'cause I go to sleep after a can. Little does she know I'm about to become a lot cheaper.
I hold.
My thinking is that they might have made a mistake in announcing the offer when they barely got 3% of TRS, thinking they'll easily get a whole lot more paying some 20% "premium" on the then $2.40 or so per share.
That obviously didn't work out as they'd hoped so with tomorrow's...
The Real News isn't Russian funded. It's probably Soros funded :D
I think we're all grown up enough to see that if the likes of Trump, Bolton, Abrams... or any country for that matter.. if they start to bringing in aids and speak of dictators, bad guys, democracy "or else!". They're bs-ing us...
Judging by Jay's guests and my own understanding from other sources, I'd take his agendas over other warmongering mainstream mouthpiece any day.
There's also a lot of blogs and "people who live there". Even if they're all true and they hate Maduro, who are anybody to be going into any country...
Interesting interview with a journalist, and chief editor, who've actually been to Venezuela on many occasion. Either with the Carter election monitoring group, or just as a journalist.
You know of any projects going according to plan and budget?
If a gov't doesn't want to meet their end of the bargain, sure they'll comb through and do a literal interpretation of the original agreement.
China, in literally 10 years, managed to go from having 0 high speed train to the most in...
Oil crashed to weaken Russia, Venezuela. And yes, the shalers, other small oilers, and green alternatives too.
That's why Saudi Arabia went along with it. Well, they have to 'cause they're a colony so when the boss saids pump, you pump.
I think some 45% or 60% of the Russian economy is in...
I don't think I ever defend any state. All states are violent and psychotic. Some are more so than others but they're all brutal.
China and Russia loaned to Venezuela. I think China has invested some $US50B past decade. Sure they do it for the oil and the minerals etc. Why else would they do...
You're mixing Communism with Socialism.
I heard from quite a few experts' interview that Venezuela isn't really a Socialist state at all. A lot of its major enterprises are privately owned, not state run or control.
The media aren't controlled. All the rich plutocrats there still control them...
Here you go... from Russia, with love.
Withholding Venezuela's $1.2B in gold deposit they stored in the UK.
Not paying billions in oil revenue; freezing assets and bank accounts.
But oh yea, there's a few pallets of aid they got at the border though. Branson is going to hold a concert.
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