Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Recent content by Mr Bear

  1. Mr Bear

    Anyone buying banks yet?

    I’ll give his email and mobile number away for free to anyone who will post the content back on ASF.. interesting how the person heading the division most at fault for CBA’s misconduct got promoted to CEO.. smart guy but another executive thief who doesn’t give a $hit about CBA’s customers. See...
  2. Mr Bear

    AQZ - Alliance Aviation Services

    Could be, not a technical trader so not much to add there, I know there is still good insto support but I’ll be selling out shortly, doesn’t meet my valuation criteria anymore..
  3. Mr Bear

    Positive Earnings but Net Loss?

    I prefer Charlie Munger’s explanation of EBITDA, he said they should be referred to as SH$T earnings. He also said sell when a company has been quoting net profit in annual reports and suddenly switches to EBITDA. Once I started reading reports with the EBITDA marketing in mind it was...
  4. Mr Bear

    Share buying advisory websites

    So you should be compared to absolute return funds, nothing wrong with comparing this to a relevent index even if it is to measure opportunity cost. And since you brought it up the industry label of value and growth is such a stupid concept..
  5. Mr Bear

    Share buying advisory websites

    Is your quoted return after costs? Assume after tax and costs with all this trading and time and effort you’re way under all ords.. you can follow my portfolio on here for free, you will spend less time/money and have significantly better post tax returns.
  6. Mr Bear

    Shiller PE Ratio

    You need to factor in the discount rate when comparing P/E’s, when doing this the 80’s would look significantly more expensive. A Schiller P/E of 15 when the 10y was 15% is much different to today’s P/E of 30 and 10y at 2.8%
  7. Mr Bear

    AQZ - Alliance Aviation Services

    Recommended this back in November at $1.50, taken awhile for the market to take notice. Management have done a good job over the past year.
  8. Mr Bear

    VTG - Vita Group

    Agree with all of your comments, if I’m a Telstra shareholder and I see Vita growing revenues and profits at the rate they were I’m asking the board why we aren’t just doing this ourselves. The last contract negotiations are an example of how Telstra will continually put a handbreak on the real...
  9. Mr Bear

    VTG - Vita Group

    This company is a complete flop, it’s important to be able to measure risk and it’s near impossible to measure the contract risk or diversification risk this business has.. Telstra have effectively outsourced responsibility for profitable business they could do themselves, another CEO could...
  10. Mr Bear

    August Stock Tipping Competition Entry Thread!

    UNV, Hoping for some more guidance in August. Very cheap stock just need the market to realise
  11. Mr Bear

    KGN - Limited

    What’s a 40% pe? It’s not a good deal to exit a business for less than its worth.. it’s subjective if you think it’s expensive why don’t you short it.
  12. Mr Bear

    Short index or long commodity futures if inflationary 1970s return?

    All periods of inflation are different but I would buy inflation indexed bonds from a risk reward perspective. You can also buy oil, gold and agri products but don’t short debt. But to answer your question specifically I initially had two thoughts. 1 - It depends which index, for example a...
  13. Mr Bear

    Short index or long commodity futures if inflationary 1970s return?

    Th answer to this question is obvious, what made you ask it?
  14. Mr Bear

    PME - Pro Medicus

    Hi Galumay, What discount to your IV would you need to buy?
  15. Mr Bear

    Mr Bear’s Daily SPI Trades

    So catch up info today. 18th was a strong reversal day, switch from short to long, 19th weak continuation, today strong continuation. I have not had access to my pc during the day session all week therefore my trade was not reflective of what I will be posting in this thread but for...