I'll try CCV(Cash Converter Int) this time. Near 3 month's low @1.065, today's close was 1.10, PPT is buying more, but the legal challenge is pushing the price down, a big chance, though to buy at this level.
I'll try SWE(Swala Energy) this time, Joe. Swala Energy Limited is an Australian independent oil and gas exploration company actively exploring the East African Rift System. Swala currently holds substantial equity in assets in Tanzania and Kenya and has an active business development program in...
CCV again, Joe. It traded between the range of 1.005 to 1.075 for last two weeks since the big fall. May have chance to break the 1.07-1.075 resistance and the first target is 1.145.
I'm stick with CCV, Joe. After having so many price-down days, it appeared a doji star today, and first time the buying side was out-numbered of selling side.
I think CCV has good chance to go up from here, though today's volume is a bit concern.It has been up from recent low of $1.22. If it can go over 1.275 tomorrow, then the recovery will be in play.
Here is the today's Research Report from BuySellSignals:
Cash Converters International...
I'm tipping AMM, Joe. As May usually a sell month, I choose a telecom company for safe play. Last close was 1.88, not far from 10+ year high of 1.925. (Hoping it won't be at that price at May Day when the May competition starts). AMM is in strong up trend, solid business, a growth company with...
Last Thursday's (18/4) huge fall was a big surprise, and the recovery of the same day was also amazing. I've bought more at average of $1.27 last two days, waiting it's price for further recovering.
Interestingly, in May's Smart Investor magazine, there were two articles about CCV:
Yes, me too. I was too late, only sold part of my holding at 1.455. Now I've bought back at 1.38 and 1.405 respectively, waiting for the price recovering.
CCV today closed down 2c at 1.38, with today's open of 1.38 it formed a bullish doji star. We'll expect CCV's correction is over and tomorrow could prove that.
Happy trading, do your own research.
Re: Collection House--CLH: Chance to bounce!
CLH bounced from last Friday and today up 7c, closed at 1.50, it looks very strong, the only concern is the volume, only 250k for today, it's ok but not so big. Hope tomorrow is another up day for CLH!
Collection House--CLH: Chance to bounce!
CLH has been down for straight 9 days, it closed at 1.38 today from about 1.7, down 20%. With the volume of 823K,it went low of 1.325. It looks the correction is near end and tomorrow will be crucial time for its share to rebound.
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