Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Just to correct an error ....

I relied upon someone else ... which is a mistake there have been around 40 total shutdowns of the USA exchanges and ...

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) closed at

the outbreak of World War I. Exchange officials maintained that the threat of

European liquidation of US securities justified a suspension in trading as a

circuit-breaker. However, the exchange remained shuttered for more than four

months, from July 31, 1914 to December 12, 1914.

Other reasons 9/11 was till it opened on the 16th ? ... a few days ... various other things from blizzards to obscure reasons ... to blackouts and once via Presidential order I believe in 1969. Something landed on the moon. Hurricanes ... and storms spring to mind as well. In 2010 ... a flash crash or have you forgotten ?

An aside. But ...  well the WW2 thing was actually WW1 ... and the trading event was not stopped for days but MONTHS. USA media even normally very factual sources, not to be relied upon. My mistake.

Lamingtons still working ?
