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AR3 did a series of holes some 40km North of the Yellow Tail n Red Tail prospects, and delivered up similar RE concentrations. Not high, but ionic clays are a different depositional environment to other, hard-rock prospects....

Initial assays from the current Koppamurra drilling programme confirm grades ranging from 600ppm to 1000ppm Total Rare Earth Oxide (TREO), consistent with the maiden resource average grade of 725ppm released in April 2021 

• Regional exploration confirms clay hosted rare earth mineralisation extends at least 40km north of the existing Red Tail and Yellow Tail mineral resource area, demonstrating the significant prospectivity potential across the 4000km2 of tenure held by AR3 

• The current 8,000m air-core drilling program is now ~70% complete with over 2,500 samples selected for submission for assay from 458 drill holes 

• The remainder of the current program is focussed on additional drilling at EL6509 (Red Tail and Yellow Tail) to extend the resource with update planned for Q1 2022 

• AR3 has been granted two additional tenements in South Australia, EL6690 (Keith) and EL6691 (Bordertown).

SP up 10% and back above $1.00
