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and today's update helped AR3 along. An evolving project.

Results from 174 drillholes representing a significant portion of the regional prospectivity drilling conducted on EL6613 (Francis), confirm shallow rare earth mineralised clayey sediments across a wide region of the Koppamurra Project area.

 – At a 350ppm Total Rare Earth Oxide (TREO) cut-off grade, 124 or 71% of the drill holes generated significant intersections, averaging 663ppm TREO 

– At a 500ppm TREO cut-off grade, 109 or 63% of the drill holes generated significant intersections, averaging 800ppm TREO 

• Importantly, the average of the combined Neodymium/Praseodymium contents of the TREO (21.5%), and the average Dysprosium content of the TREO (2.5%) for these intersections is consistent with the magnet rare earth contents of the Red Tail and Yellow Tail resources ~40km’s to the south 

• Like the Red Tail and Yellow Tail deposits, rare earth mineralisation identified in the assays from this recent drilling occurs in shallow settings within the wider region. 

• Extension drilling to the north and south of Red Tail and Yellow Tail continues to indicate a prospective setting for the accumulation of rare earth mineralisation and a 10,000m drilling program is planned for commencement in February 2022 to define additional resources there. 
