Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Back trading after the halt and reply to ASX

 If the answer to question 1 is “no”, is there any other explanation that AR3 may have for the recent trading in its securities?

The Company confirms it is in compliance with its continuous disclosure requirements.

Notwithstanding this, the Company has become aware of increased commentary surrounding its Koppamurra Ionic Clay Rare Earth project in the national publication The Australian, where an article entitled “Rare Earths Boom Looms” was published on Tuesday 11 April 2023. This increased commentary has come on the back of recent media speculation regarding potential restrictions being imposed by China on its exports of certain rare earth magnets technology, which could severely disrupt global supply. The global rare earth market remains heavily dependent on Chinese processed rare earth supply, with particular reference to the ionic clays produced in China/ Myanmar which are currently the sole source of some critical minerals essential in the production of rare earth permanent magnets.

Additionally, the Company is aware of increased commentary in industry relevant publications, such as Sprott equity research report dated 3 April 2023,, and a weekly newsletter by Far East Capital regarding both the rare earths sector globally and the Company’s Koppamurra project located in the southeast of South Australia.

Other possible considerations with regard to the increased volume and price of the AR3 stock include two recent price sensitive announcements made by the Company to the ASX.

On 3 April 2023 the Company released an ASX announcement “Koppamurra Mineral Resource Up 25%, Indicated Resource up 40%, drilling points to a rare earth mineral province”, which reported that the JORC resource at the Koppamurra project (the Project) had increased by 25%, with the exploration target for the Project increasing fivefold to up to 1.4 billion tonnes and with potential for further significant near term upgrades once pending assays are received.

On 9 March 2023 the Company released an announcement to the ASX “First Koppamurra Mixed Rare Earth Carbonate produced” of the successful pilot scale production of a Mixed Rare Earth Carbonate (MREC) containing all the rare earths needed to produce rare earth permanent magnets which are essential for increasing the efficient use of the power the world generates. This achievement is a a first for an Australian ionic clay hosted rare earth resource and is being met with interest by potential downstream customers, especially in light of an increasing awareness that the world currently lacks the sustainable diversity of rare earths supply required to meet the growing demand of a carbon-free global economy.

.... off the highs but still up 60%

