Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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What if I were to say you may be able to get returns like that or more spending 30 mins a week or 30 mins a month? Without looking at charts saying, should this trend line go here or there, what about this support line, hmmm, etc.

80% plus of being able to make money from the market is physocological.

20% or less is technical.

Beginners don't realise this and search and search and search for the magic methods to make money, 'the holy grail'. They buy book after book, do course after course. Also referred to as the beginners cycle by my mentor.

Sometimes it just never clicks for them as they can't get their head around the physocological aspect which is the most important part. You may not realise this until you begin.

You may spend $5k on this course you are talking about, find out all the pieces of his method but then can't trade it over the long term due to physocological factors or it doesn't fit with your lifestyle. if you have a string of losers will you stop, if you go into draw down will you stop, if it takes up to much time will you stop.

Will you have enough confidence in yourself to keep taking trades when you encounter difficulties. Will you start to doubt yourself or the method when things don't go as expected. Where are your expectations coming from.

These are rhetorical questions, but it is likely you will encounter them and many more if you start to trade, regardless of which methods (or from whom you learn them or how much you pay for them), you chose to apply to the market.

The mentor where it all clicked into place for me was and still is Nick Radge of the Chartist, this is a very recent 30 min podcast interview and will give you a flavour for Nick and his ideas.

Good luck with your journey.
