Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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This trade completes another batch of twenty. This latest batch has an abyssmal W% of only 20%. That's only 4 winners in 20 trades. If you wanted evidence that I'm a lousy trade picker then this is it. However in spite of the poor W% this batch made a small profit (+1.6R, +$1018). Yes we got lucky being in NWH at the right time.

We're trading to earn profit not prove that we're great stock pickers. I really don't care about my W%. It's super important to keep the losses small.

This batch contains losing sequences of 7 and 8. Would you have kept on going if these were your results?

This batch also took longer due to the "trying" market conditions.

[ATTACH=full]72342[/ATTACH]               [ATTACH=full]72343[/ATTACH]
