Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Not surpriisng seeing how some of the ADF folks have been treated by the government and the media.

the government sends them in to conflicts they should not be in, then bags them when things go astray.

War vets constantly strugging to deal with the ridiculously bloated public service.

Accioding to the DVA website , in June 2022, about 247,000 Veterans were receiving support from the DVA, which has over 3,000 staff throughout the country. the staff could  devote 1 full day per year to each vet and still have enough days left for public and annual holidays, rdo's, domestic violence leave, bereavement leave,  and long service leave.

And that does not include the other agencies mentioned on the DVA website, like the  Repatriation Commission, the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission , the Veterans Review Board, the Repatriation Medical Authority, or the Specialist Medical review Council.

