Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Australia in general does nothing but bag the U.S and the U.K, actually you are usually more vocal than most, now all of a sudden the U.S does what you and your chorus have asked they do and butt out, and you have a meltdown.

As I said Howard was bagged by the left for supporting the U.S, I asked on here recently when there was heaps of vitriol against the U.S, "if not the U.S then who do  we turn to" and it was followed by more slagging off against the U.S.

The same with the U.K again it is the familiar faces that constantly deride them, well I guess it is time for Australia to grow a pair, pull on their big boys pants and actually start and work out a long term plan that isn't as dependent on being looked after.

As the old saying goes, you have to be careful what you wish for. Well you have got your wish the U.S has pizzed off and taken its ball home and the U.K has a left wing Govt that doesn't know where it is going, so now maybe the Australian politicians might have to earn their money.

There will obviously be a new paradigm so Instead of making stupid disparaging comments from the sidelines, as per Turnbull, Cook, Rudd etc, then wondering why they end up with a blood nose, they will actually have to do their job.

Our modern politicians will have to learn to be statesmen and women, rather than a peanut gallery, they are certainly going to have to earn their money now the days of sitting back and cruising are over. IMO

Interesting times, politicians actually having to think past the current election cycle, should be a whole new experience for them.

Having to work with oppositions, to get bilateral party agreements that ensure projects have good continuity, should improve question time and reduce wastage no end.  :xyxthumbs
