One quarter doth not maketh a recovery, just as one negative quarter doth not maketh a crash Christopher Joyce also a little biased in his assessment due to his position. Drawing the inevitable comparisons to the stock market is a pretty poor argument - more spruiking than anything else. He may as well just come out and say "put all your wealth all into property, don't put it all into that risky sharemarket"... the usual perspective to be found at the bottom of major market corrections I imagine throughout recent times.A lot do now seem to be waiting "until post June 30th", in fact anecdotally more so than those not trying to get in at the last minute for the FHOG, so if everybody does stay true to there word there is still going to be plenty of momentum carried across into July/August/September..
One quarter doth not maketh a recovery, just as one negative quarter doth not maketh a crash
Christopher Joyce also a little biased in his assessment due to his position. Drawing the inevitable comparisons to the stock market is a pretty poor argument - more spruiking than anything else. He may as well just come out and say "put all your wealth all into property, don't put it all into that risky sharemarket"... the usual perspective to be found at the bottom of major market corrections I imagine throughout recent times.
A lot do now seem to be waiting "until post June 30th", in fact anecdotally more so than those not trying to get in at the last minute for the FHOG, so if everybody does stay true to there word there is still going to be plenty of momentum carried across into July/August/September..
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