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I've got a few watches, I just like mechanical watches, to me the 1960's-70's watches are works of art.

When I started my apprenticeship as a scientific instrument maker and repairer, that's what it was called back then. Lol

There was an older tradesman who was the leading hand, he did his apprenticeship in Holland as a watchmaker and when we had spare time, he would show me how to pull down a watch, I've loved them ever since.

I have never seen them as an investment, just something to enjoy like a piece of art.

The other problem I found with these new smart watches was, when travelling they are difficult to deal with time changes if your phone doesn't have an internet connection.

i actually gave my Samsung Galaxy watch to one of my grandsons, I just didn't use it.

Like everything in life, it is personal choices and not trying to impose your preferences on everyone else.

That seems to be the part everyone has trouble with these days. Lol

Enjoy what you can while you can and if you chose something because to love it, you will always be happy with it. Lol
