Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Re: BKP - Baraka Petroleum

Hi All, and great to see some more posts on the BKP thread!

What a week of excitement, and with no real indication of what is up with BKP apart from the speculation that it relates to a technical report on BKP's Georgina Basin oil/gas potential.

Or is it the much anticipated drilling in EP 127 early in 2011?

Or is it another new business entirely unrelated?

Does the recent change in Director have something to do with it?

I have so many questions now, but sure as anything, where there is smoke there is fire, and over the past week we have seen the share price rise 50%!!! On huge volume of in excess of 60 million shares and Friday alone of 50million shares, it looks like the share price will move higher very soon, and its possible that it will cruise up another 16% on the open on Monday, knowing that overseas equity markets are UP, and the oil price is UP!

I believe that its market capitalisation at only $10.7 million is absolutely nothing for an explorer due to have a significant hole spud on highly prospective ground, on a free carried basis. I can see a reason for BKP share price being at least double and more based on its current 0.6 cents just on a comparative basis to other oil/gas explorers!
