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I want to add to this thread with my own experiences:

I have had severe anxiety and depression episodes that come on rapidly, the most recent last year resulted in me admitting myself to hospital, as I truly was not capable of trusting my own decision making. The biggest hurdle for the most part has been feeling afraid of the stigma of 'not coping'. I work in a professional environment where performance is an expectation. Having to admit my 'illness' to my managers was a huge step, but ultimately wise as I was supported and allowed to work my way back to 'myself'. I am lucky in that regard, I am sure many would face an unsympathetic response, which can be ultimately the biggest kick when you are down.

For any who are unfortunate to be suffering or have the scars remaining, or who fear ' the suffering', I can only mention the things that have helped me. It is such a deeply personal thing however, and in itself this is part of the insidious nature of the illness. You believe that your experience is founded so strongly on personal issues that you cannot imagine anyone understanding or helping. Here goes...

1. Find a sympathetic GP, do not relent until you do. For those who don't have the luxury of choice, ask your GP the questions you need answers to, try and encourage their professional interest. Try and see them a minimum of weekly.

2. Sleep. It's the first thing to go usually, that or the routine. You will find yourself awake at the most god-awful times of the night, your heart racing, restless, nervous, anxious, terrified. In the short term medication is essential, it will give you the breathing space and mental respite to start working out a longer term steategy. Do not fear the anti-anxiety drugs, or the sleeping tablets. Just don't overdo it and stick to the prescribed values. I went nearly 3 weeks without more than 1 or 2 hours sleep per night. Don't lie in bed, read or watch TV. Get up, do your taxes, write a letter, update your diary, your address book, do some housework, anything just to stop staring at the walls thinking.

3. Don't hide. Get out, walk, go see someone you know, you won't feel like it but taking the time to focus on something else instead of the sucking blackness in your head can help.

4. Talk. I recommend a friend who you think may be sympathetic. You will be surprised how many people can relate personal experience of their own or a family member.

5. Inform yourself. Use the web, get a book, learn that you are not alone.

6. Take time to realise that you are suffering from an illness. You don't blame yourself when you get the flu. Depression and anxiety are as physiologically linked as they are mentally (and physicallY)

7. Eat. You won't want to. At least try and force it down you. I lost shocking amounts of weight (4-5 kgs a week). I was on the milk as much as possible as it was easier to get down. And I hate milk, so I got on the strawberry milk :). Also, get some vitamins in you. Poor nutrition will hinder your recovery.

8. In the longer term, recognise the triggers and signs. Exercise is very beneficial. WHEN you come out the other side, you will have an appreciation for, and a desire to make change in your life. This is something positive and very often a depressive episode can work as a turnaround point.

9. Stay off the p1ss. It's great. It numbs. It gives you a respite. Its called self medicating and you are far better off with proper medication from the GP. The days following 'indulging' can exact a mental toll on you that you don't need. I do like my beers, and I do like hitting the p1ss every so often. You may need to evaluate the effect your drinking has on you.

10. Don't give up. It can bring you to your knees and lower. It can infiltrate every part of your life and taint it. It can make you cry, make you question every last thing about yourself, feel guilty, feel punished, even make you feel like God is exacting some revenge on you or that you are in some way evil. you're not. You're human, and you need help. You need a break. Don't give up. Dom Spiro Spera...while Breath Lasts Hope lives

Anyone struggling, feel free to PM me. I am in Brissie, and very understanding. I am not insane. Well, not recently :)

