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how well do i know and understand how you feel. very well indeed. for a long time i felt lost too. my partner was lost to depression or the blackness as we called it. but we`ve learnt a lot of "stuff" over the years since our dark days started to disappear. i hope the following helps.

anxiety arises when the ego is faced with situations, conflicts etc we find overwhelming or fearful to cope with. subconsciously these are the triggers which can produce anxiety. 

sometimes these situations or conflicts may not have even happened yet. it may be our perception of perceived fearful events that may bring on these anxiety attacts. (fear has a great imagination)

our reactions to these situations can be either, fight or flight. we learnt to fight or flight from these triggers when we were kids. we programmed ourselves by writing a contract albeit subconsciously which we live out everyday hoping to protect ourselves from the primary emotions of hurt fear pain(emotional, physical and spiritual) anger anxiety or loss.

all of us will feel one of these emotions very srongly at one time or another. there will be a predominate one through out our life. but it`s not our emotions that drive us it`s the feelings underneath that we need to look at and deal with. our emotions are reactions to old memories.

 i am not my emotions i am my feelings at that point. this is called emotional quotient.

once we allow our anxiety to arise and we flight from it, it can block, restrict, prevent and obstruct us from living great lives. this then brings on other negative feelings eg depression, loneliness, worthlessness, feeling unloved or unloveable, self pity, self hatred, self harm, uselessness etc the list of negative emotions is endless.

what situations and or conflicts do you find overwhelming or fearful, which trigger your anxiety? what childhood memories are you attached to which your emotions react to? what feelings do you feel the most often?

as i said before i hope a little of what i have learnt helps you. we`ve reached a peaceful place in our life with the help of some great people and we found workshops the best way to get the honest help we needed. one or two in particular were very helpful and rewarding giving us the tools of life we were searching for. we are now MOVING FORWARD. all the best for your journey in life. reach out for some good workshops they will help. regards teabag
