Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Re: Daniel Kertcher/Platinum Pursuits - Serious or Scam?

Some people go to these introductorily seminars and see trading presented as being a very easy way to make a few $ and believe it, now maybe what Platinum Pursuits and Daniel Kercher offer is something that may well work but IMO what people forget is trading is a business and business = work, then there is the physiological effect it has on you particularly during drawdown, but people sign up and after a few weeks or whatever they start drifting or complaining its not working as promised, during the introduction seminars very little time is given to what happens most in trading and that’s going sideways or drawdown, from my experience anyway the leaps and bounds your account makes with the winners are always short lived and its just a matter or staying the course and keeping your losses small until the next big fish is hooked.

I think people who succeed at trading have an interest in trading that goes beyond just making money, Platinum pursuits, safety in the market, optionetics etc etc all may well be viable its just the majority will soon tire of them as there not always hitting new equity highs or even the fact it takes only 30 mins a day to place your orders etc and will be too much for some, just like all the people who keep going on the different diets but never seem to lose the weight.

Personally I would not do any of these courses there’s enough resources on the internet but that comes down to time looking and reading, trying different things, if your interested its enjoyable to do and research if your not, and your just looking to make easy money well IMO, your doomed
