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Re: Daniel Kertcher/Platinum Pursuits - Serious or Scam?

I did this course in Dec 2010 and have been using the strategy.  There are some points in this article that need addressing.

It does. But don't expect to get rich quick.  This is an income style strategy.

Sprectrum Live is about to (or already does) do this as well with their own pros and cons.  Personally I use IG Markets but I don't like how they don't have more options available.  Spectrum Live do, but that is only one Pro.  5% return is average, 12+% return is great. 

I agree with Matteo, you need about $40k to make the returns interesting.  But to be fair to Platinum Pursuits (PP) even if you have $100k, they strenously suggest only starting with $10-20k anyway while you learn.  At no stage are they saying ALL you need is $5-10k, they are saying start with this and work at understanding first.

Not sure what you were doing those months, but you're not following the rules maybe.  $50 per trade is pretty miserable.  I suspect the GSL is causing you some dramas, but I'm going to address it below.

I had zero experience prior to doing this course.  The only thing I found "tricky" was using IG Markets platform which isn't covered much in the course.  After using it a few times, it all comes together (much like any software).

The option's price doesn't tick so much like the share price does, and there is definitely some give in the price movement, but I don't think you're doing something right here.  I'd love to desktop share with you on this matter to see what you mean, because I've never found this to be a problem.

IG have an Alert function to send you a message directly to your phone if a rule is triggered. Personally I set the trigger around the strike the price and forget about it unless triggered.  Only then do you have to consider action.  Otherwise this strategy is definitely set and forget. 

Platinum Pursuits will guide you exactly what they intend to do in this situation.  There is no decision if you choose to follow them to the letter.  For first time subscribers, that's exactly what I'd recommend and why I'd say $50 or less a month is worth it.  Personally I unscribscribed from the list for a the middle of 2011 but have come back to it again.  I find just having a list of calls and puts pre analysed is worth the money alone.

Let me be clear on this point, YOU DO NOT NEED MARKET ANALYST (MA).  I have never bought it or used it.  MA is just a charting system and it integrates with the Monthly Income Report (MIR) nicely, but it is not necessary at all.  Platinum Pursuits (PP) recommend it to make it easy for people, but I just use a spreadsheet to the same effect.  If I need a chart I use the IG Markets in built ones, FinViz or Trading View which are all free. 

If you still feel more comfortable using the same systems as PP, MA have a LITE version also which is much cheaper, but keep it free if you can.

I concur.


A scam it definitely isn't.  It works for me... really well.

I think the biggest thing people are getting wrong in this thread surrounds the Guaranteed Stop Loss (GSL).  The GSL is 3% of the value of the stock so yes, if you are targeting a stock that returns 5%, a GSL may not feel like a great way to get the stated returns represented by the company. BUT.... the GSL is a one time only fee.  If you roll over the same stock next month, with a new 5% call option, you get the full 5% AND the GSL.  You only lose the GSL when you sell the stock (or get stopped out).  The only downside from there is that PP may not continue keeping your GSL stock on their list, but that doesn't mean you can't.

Next, you can't set a GSL within 10% of a stock price so it forces you to have a decent buffer in the first place which I like.  Yes, if you want bigger returns, do the GSL when the volatility is high, but keep it ongoing when the volatility is low and everything they say is therefore true.  But doesn't that make sense anyway, take out insurance when things are really unpredictable and benefit from it when things are easy...


Correct, either wait for compound interest to build up a lot, or plow as much as you can afford into it once you are confident with the strategy.  Note the PP say start with this amount, not it's all you need.
