Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Re: Daniel Kertcher/Platinum Pursuits - Serious or Scam?

Dear wayneL and sails,

what you call leptokurtic I may call platykurtic, but be that as it may, the only proof that matters is in the results.

Why would I be so stupid as to hand over my confidential broker's  statement to anyone? Not that I ever would, but if I did, you doubting Thomases would still not believe it and say it was photoshopped (as it  could be, of  course)

BTW, you are very good at mathematics, the figure of my  accumulated profits is almost spot on.

If I posted my trades before I put them on I would be in breach of contract. Surely, you don't want me to break the law, do you?

Daniel, however, does post his trades before he puts them on in his Monthly Income Report to which his students can subscribe for an annual fee of $490.00.

His results are AUDITED and published on his website where they are open to scrutiny by the authorities. I am not aware that any of the Australian authorities has ever questioned Daniel's AUDITED results.

Now, wayneL and sails, I don't know whether this is enough proof for you, but that is all there is.

As we are just about halfway through the February trades, I did a quick check and found that I am on track for another good monthly result, somewhere in the vicinity of $10K, and that is net of all costs.

Have a nice day, all.

Alvin Purple
