Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Re: Daniel Kertcher/Platinum Pursuits - Serious or Scam?



I every endeavour there are four stages of competency

1/ The unconscious incompetent - That is to say the person who doesn't know what they don't know.

2/ The conscious incompetent - That is to say the person who knows that there is lots they don't know.

3/ The conscious competent - That is to say the person that knows lots but has to think about it.

4/ The unconscious competent - That is to say the person for whom it is all second nature.

In the options world, you are at stage one. This is the only way to explain that you eschew the knowledge to quantify risk and reward via the Greeks. This is important in non-linear instruments such as options.


As discussed, deep ITM covered calls are simply a synthetic naked put, a very simple strategy known and used occasionally by options traders and professionals the world over.

It is a valid strategy to be used when market conditions suit, but it is no panacea, otherwise all professionals would just trade naked puts or it's synthetic equivalents systematically every month....

They just don't.

These are smart guys and gals... smarter that you or Daniel.

Do you think they might know something you don't?

You'll collect most months Alvin, that is the probability characteristics of the strategy. But that is actually irrelevent, believe it or not.

What matters is the total losses versus total gains, AKA the expectancy equation... it is snatching pennies from the lion's mouth.

How will you cope when the market chomps down on your arm?
