Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Re: Daniel Kertcher/Platinum Pursuits - Serious or Scam?

What gets me is that there would probably be hundreds of people doing Kertcher's courses - why is there only one person making all this money?  Why isn't this thread full of them?  If they appear out of nowhere now, it will make it look even more like a set up job...:rolleyes:

Or is it because the money is actually being earned from selling Kertcher's courses?  Of course, we will never know whether Alvin actually makes all this money or where it comes from as there is no way of proving for sure.

If Alvin is really making all this money from trading, then Kertcher should be charging 100 times the price for a guaranteed income without risk of loss - or as has been said - he should simply set up a managed fund and rake in the millions.

Something is very fishy...
