Hind sight is a wonderful thing. I just found this thread about the coming collapse... Not to knock the OP but these guys are a dime a dozen and will eventually get it right when they keep adding months and years to their predictions. I think they are more like investment teachers. They suck at actual investing and are trying to bank on their prediction finally "paying off", and then they can ride the talk show circuit for a year or so...I read a good Forbes article recently on the eight people that predicted the GFC... I liked his argument in that he says none of them actually predicted anything other than to state simple economic theory, i.e. debt loads got too high and no one could pay them back. As opposed to actually predicting the collapse.If anything then I should get credit for predicting the GFC first. I saw it coming in 2004, a year before any of the other shonks did. ;-)
Hind sight is a wonderful thing. I just found this thread about the coming collapse... Not to knock the OP but these guys are a dime a dozen and will eventually get it right when they keep adding months and years to their predictions. I think they are more like investment teachers. They suck at actual investing and are trying to bank on their prediction finally "paying off", and then they can ride the talk show circuit for a year or so...
I read a good Forbes article recently on the eight people that predicted the GFC... I liked his argument in that he says none of them actually predicted anything other than to state simple economic theory, i.e. debt loads got too high and no one could pay them back. As opposed to actually predicting the collapse.
If anything then I should get credit for predicting the GFC first. I saw it coming in 2004, a year before any of the other shonks did. ;-)
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