Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and GasCheck out this announcement by Arc - looks like they're confidentASX ANNOUNCEMENTWednesday 15 August 2007The Canning Basin exploration program ARC’s upARC announced on Monday 13 August the spudding of the Valentine-1 exploration well nearDerby in northwest Australia’s Kimberly region. Valentine-1 marks the start of a major oil andgas exploration program in one of the most under-explored Palaeozoic aged basins in theworld – the Canning Basin.ARC has rapidly established holdings in excess of 75,000 square kilometres in the CanningBasin, giving it by far the largest acreage position in the Basin. ARC’s holdings include a widevariety of geological play types, with more than 30 prospects and leads already identified withvery significant potential for substantial quantities of both oil and gas.ARC’s interest in the Basin was sparked by its similarities to other Palaeozoic basins aroundthe world where prolific reserves of oil and gas have been discovered. Furthermore, thefactors that had previously made exploration in the Basin difficult have now been largelyovercome. ARC is now initiating the re-evaluation of the Basin with the spudding of Valentine-1.The Valentine-1 well is targeting a large gas-condensate prospect. It is the culmination of thelast 12 months of work by ARC to establish its commanding acreage position in the CanningBasin, review and re-evaluate massive volumes of geological and geophysical data, identify aseries of high quality prospects and put in place the logistics for the start of a major explorationprogram.Commercial PotentialExploration in the Canning Basin has historically been hampered by the region’s remotenessand lack of infrastructure. However, the rapid development of the northwest has seen theinfrastructure put in place to facilitate modern and effective exploration and production of oiland gas in onshore northern Australia. This has been amply demonstrated by the successfuland profitable production and export of oil from the Blina Field (now 100% owned andoperated by ARC).ARC’s proven early production system for oil, developed and demonstrated by the company inthe Perth Basin, will allow even small volumes of oil discovered in the Canning Basin to bequickly commercialised. For larger discoveries, ARC’s early production system will allowimmediate cash flow to fund the costs of a full field development.The development of gas from the Basin will be underpinned by the gas sales contract withAlcoa that ARC has already put in place. The existence of a firm offtake agreement with sucha significant customer will allow even modest gas discoveries to be rapidly developed.Furthermore, the continued strengthening of the market for natural gas means gas fallingoutside the contract with Alcoa will find a ready market.
Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and Gas
Check out this announcement by Arc - looks like they're confident
Wednesday 15 August 2007
The Canning Basin exploration program ARC’s up
ARC announced on Monday 13 August the spudding of the Valentine-1 exploration well near
Derby in northwest Australia’s Kimberly region. Valentine-1 marks the start of a major oil and
gas exploration program in one of the most under-explored Palaeozoic aged basins in the
world – the Canning Basin.
ARC has rapidly established holdings in excess of 75,000 square kilometres in the Canning
Basin, giving it by far the largest acreage position in the Basin. ARC’s holdings include a wide
variety of geological play types, with more than 30 prospects and leads already identified with
very significant potential for substantial quantities of both oil and gas.
ARC’s interest in the Basin was sparked by its similarities to other Palaeozoic basins around
the world where prolific reserves of oil and gas have been discovered. Furthermore, the
factors that had previously made exploration in the Basin difficult have now been largely
overcome. ARC is now initiating the re-evaluation of the Basin with the spudding of Valentine-
The Valentine-1 well is targeting a large gas-condensate prospect. It is the culmination of the
last 12 months of work by ARC to establish its commanding acreage position in the Canning
Basin, review and re-evaluate massive volumes of geological and geophysical data, identify a
series of high quality prospects and put in place the logistics for the start of a major exploration
Commercial Potential
Exploration in the Canning Basin has historically been hampered by the region’s remoteness
and lack of infrastructure. However, the rapid development of the northwest has seen the
infrastructure put in place to facilitate modern and effective exploration and production of oil
and gas in onshore northern Australia. This has been amply demonstrated by the successful
and profitable production and export of oil from the Blina Field (now 100% owned and
operated by ARC).
ARC’s proven early production system for oil, developed and demonstrated by the company in
the Perth Basin, will allow even small volumes of oil discovered in the Canning Basin to be
quickly commercialised. For larger discoveries, ARC’s early production system will allow
immediate cash flow to fund the costs of a full field development.
The development of gas from the Basin will be underpinned by the gas sales contract with
Alcoa that ARC has already put in place. The existence of a firm offtake agreement with such
a significant customer will allow even modest gas discoveries to be rapidly developed.
Furthermore, the continued strengthening of the market for natural gas means gas falling
outside the contract with Alcoa will find a ready market.
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