Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

FRS - Ferraus Limited

Have had a look into the bid ( received formal bid stmt. today ) and it stacks up like this:

6 Wah Nam shares per 1 FRS.

at current price of Wah Nam sp = 1.64 HKD, (code on HKex is 159)

6 x 1.64 / 7.6 (HK$'s per AUD$1)

gives you $1.29 for FRS shares which currently sit at $ 0.97. sounds great put like this. The reality is a little different it seems, an all scrip bid that went down like a lead balloon.

Interested to see what FRS comes up with next.
What are peoples thoughts on WNI dropping the Acceptance condition and FRS's reply??
Seems like BRM is very close to the new 50% threshold.
they go well together and increase the amount of port access etc available. ..
AGO is a quality operation..
Question is will the chinese increase their bid or go for something else..
Looks like wham bam no thanks mam have conceded defeat and helped AGO cross the 90% line. AGO is now free to compulsorily aquire the remainder of FRS. No objections from me here.

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