Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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From the announcement these two pieces of work could add significantly in the months to come.

• Maiden Resource estimate for the high grade San Antonio satellite deposit due in the coming months 

• Drilling underway at Cortadera North and Cuerpo 2 Deeps, results in the coming weeks 

I must say I am disappointed in the price action today, but appreciate there are nuances of the market and trading that could very well explain the reasons for that (I am not smart enough or can access data to figure it; yes that is a call for help / ideas /discussion:xyxthumbs) . Maybe once the 'hub' is better understood and then the news is posted more in line with  what timing Christian Easterday says (two weeks had been more like 2 months for this report).

I still see a junior with a big prize in its hands.
