Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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akumaslair, I personally have found that short term trades have been more stressful than daytrading as the volatility has been so high, holding overnight is a complete lottery unless you're in it for the longer term (anyone who had shorted rio in the last few days would know this, i'm glad I didnt).

I think theres some excellent info here from the more experienced hands but big ones to avoid on the asx 200 are the opening half hour and the 30 minutes after close (if you use some bucketshop providers like IG) as these times can be truly erratic and blow away a days profit.

Trading on the Hang seng index has been great recently as the intraday trends have been excellent but holding overnight is extremely risky as it can gap over your stop by a long way.

My experience has been one of being ill disciplined initially and this cost me $$$$ and some great lessons but phsychology has played a major part in consistency.

I am not anywhere near as experienced as the others to have commented here but only other thing I'd say based on your quotes is that you stated that stocks excite you, I think that your emotions should be put to the side as trading will stress you too much when it goes against you.

Hope that helps
