Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Hi a good question that I asked myself at the beginning of this year after 20+ yeARS OF TRADING..... i NEEDED TO MAKE A LIVING IN THE MARKET AS i HAD RETURNED TO UNI  to do my PhD in Chemical engineering / Metallurgy

Anyone can trade successfully If your logical and are willing to learn/ and analyse your feelings / decissions.

Learn from your mistakes or better still from someone elses

After carefull analysis of my past I devised a system that works

411 trades this year

6 losses this year , to date

up just over $121,000 for the year  and that is only trading the first hour of the day on tuesday , wednesday and thursday.... I must be back in the chemistry Lab by 9 am each morning ready and raring to start my research labs

its easy ....  beats teaching wheich I have done for the past 30 years....

want to know more ???

just ask

its easy:D
