Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Ye 28km is pretty amazing, if the Cooljarloo North Jorc comes out a beauty i will probably drop dead from how beautiful Diatreme will look :D

Nice job finding the satellite image of the mine, I wouldn't have the slightest idea where to start looking for it, can you attach it to a post maybe? 

Without researching too far into it I'd say Iluka will have enough resources on its plate fairly soon. I don't think they will be taking up Image's finds anytime this year, that Jacinth-Ambrosia project is gonna keep them very busy.

I really have to comment on the team at Image. Its top notch. Every time i call them, the phone is answered on the first or second ring, the reports are always very thorough and 'mostly' on time. George has a really good handle on this project.

I look forward to the future.
