Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Wysiwyg have you EVER known a government to stop at just what they say they are going to do?

Governments and their legislation creep. Today's black list is tomorrows thought control.

The key as I keep hounding is why is this filter MANDATORY rather than optional?

It is not about "illegal" content (however you define that. We have laws that prosecute the serious criminal offenses. Having a black list that can have anything anyone with enough clout wants put on there is very very dangerous.

Again I point to the way Conroy is so determined to get this implemented - a portent for what is likely to come if it ever gets put in place. If he is this rabid about it imagine what he and his type will be like once they have us in their grasp.


Sam76 - you may find it is a rounding effect on those numbers. If you have 45,000 votes all voting no, even a small number of yes or undecided will not show up in a percentage that is not shown to more than 1 decimal place.
