Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Nothing new there, calliope, it's mentioned in post #191 :eek:

It's a controversial one, and unlikely to do her any harm apparently.  (Man allegedly tasered his kids etc - sheesh.    ...... Reminds me of the student who was tasered for asking Kerry why wasn't Bush impeached over practices during previous elections.)

Digressing, I like the suggestion that she's popular because Alaska is the furthest state from Washington lol  ( apart from Hawaii I guess).

And aren't they all happy that GWB is too busy to speak at the convention :rolleyes:

Also I wonder if Hagee regrets claiming that God sent Katrina to break up the gay convention - and now seems to have sent Gustav on the eve of the GOP convention.   What an idiotic thing to say - that God could plan a thing like the Katrina fiasco - where 1000 died in New Orleans alone :2twocents

Also whether McCain regrets inviting Hagee to join his campaign, considering he is so pally with such a hateful God  (who incidentally exploited such incompetent behaviour from State and Fed govts at the time).

And they STILL haven't finished the levee banks !!  - still, will give GWB a chance for a photo opportunity inspecting the unfinished banks I guess :eek:

couple of poems here (and the one before):-
