Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Managed to get a first tranche away of 10,000 @ 1.70 this morning. You can't always get what you want. I'm in the camp that views the delay of another 3 months for the Thai government to sign off as an indication that our position isn't as strong as the company projects. We have them 1 month, now we're giving them another 3 months, phooey.  After all, we still have to extract the money from them via expensive and protracted litigation if the company is forced to an arbitration decision instead of settlement. Anyway who wants to be invested in mining in Thailand now? Extraneous to this is my view that cash is more important than in normal times and in that context 3 months is a long delay. Better a bird in the hand - but will probably hold on to half my shares after getting my cost back plus a bit of profit.
