Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Sold! To the fool in a hat on the couch*

Another 20,000 shares @ 0.16

Now holding 100,000 and I await a suspected rights entitlement

* actually a bed, or even more precisely, a mattress

 I was just reading back over some old KWR presentations and saw that they have $3.3m that they have still to pay Horizon Minerals (HRZ) for the vending of the Menzies Gold Project tenements. The payment for the MGP was staged and the second tranche was to be paid not later than 18 months after settlement. Settlement was around July 2019. So by my rough reckoning, second tranche would be by Jan 2021.  At least, I can find no announcement that this has been paid. It amounts to $1.65m in cash and $1.65m in KWR shares.

Also a rationale as to what might be weighing down the share price at 0.16. There have been at least three recent significant capital raisings (including placements to sophs and insts) that might be motivating profit protection or just moving on from the declining or stagnant S.P. around 0.16. Something Tony Locantro said, that has stuck, is that it is common for big money to participate in placements without any intention of sticking around ??

  • $4m raised Sept Qtr calendar 2019 @ 0.15
  • RE and Plcmt in Sept 2020 @ 0.135
  • Plcmt in Feb 2020 @ 0.165
