Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Some probing questions there [USER=9654]@Trav[/USER] ?? reminded me of why I left 'Intelligent Investor' after a brief encounter. I took their tests, or more correctly, began their tests to assess my investing I.Q and was doing quite poorly so decided they must be wrong, lol

That's part of it, I don't feel that I am a trader and identify more with the term 'investor', even for a speccie like KWR. Of course I do trade though, for the usual reasons like derisking or because I need a cash position or I lose faith in management. Some of my best stocks I held through thick and thin, like: CDA, IMD. Even CHN I imagine a trader would likely be out of by now.

When I get excited by a stock I tend to enter prematurely out of fomo, like the first KWR 0.21 entry, then I take  a more sober chart based approach to accumulate. As long as I retain confidence in management I have no problem averaging down, in fact I welcome the opportunity. If the chart looks wonky as KWR does, I will still accumulate if have a positive vibe about the 'fundamentals'.

I certainly take an interest in fundamentals and take on information, commentary and views of others a lot but don't stress myself anymore and just pretty much accept my limitations. I'm repelled by rules based, mechanical, systematic, highly technical styles of trading as I have no aptitude and feel no interest.

I might be getting more risk appetite out of boredom or being lulled by how well the market's been going. Plus over confidence due to Chalice Mining windfall and the conviction that we continue to be in a secular bull market in gold.
