Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Thanks [USER=3610]@Sean K[/USER], as you correctly surmise, I sniff out anything on the forums/twitter regarding this, my vehicle to untold riches (that I'll never spend anyway, just reinvest). Mr Turner, or 'Ed' as presumptious posters call him, continues to sound as if they are onto a Kanowna Belle style deposit, although I guess that could just be his job, they're all half salesmen. He's better than most imo. He even mentions rattling the tin again but comments that it won't happen till after July. That'll be after they've got some diamond drill results from this campaign on Lake Goongarrie I assume. I have stopped anticipating that they might get some money flowing in from a sale or joint venture of current resources at the Menzies Gold Project, although I must admit he makes negotiations for this sound a more drawn out and nuanced process than I had thought. He hasn't mentioned the interest FMR ltd once expressed in a mining/toll milling deal for one of the u/g deposits (Yunndaga) for ages. FMR ltd being the owner of the Greenfield mill at Coolgardie.
