Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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[USER=57299]@mcgrath111[/USER] If I could take the liberty to show you my chart of NAB. I'm not questioning why you initially purchased NAB & I'm not commenting whether further purchases are good or bad. I just want you to see it from my perspective.

Yellow Ribbon

Look at the little yellow ribbon at the bottom of the chart.

What does that yellow ribbon mean

That's a ROC indicator (ROC = Rate Of Change) a momentum indicator. Each time the yellow ribbon activates it means the momentum is dropping. It means the ROC of the last 10 weeks is lower than 0%.

In a nutshell

Other investors/traders don't share your view. (more sellers than buyers)

Ribbon Length 

The length of the ribbon indicates the length of time the momentum continues to drop. The chart is a sea of yellow & this may indicate my caution - at least it will give you my take on NAB.

Why is my ROC ribbon yellow

If a traffic light turns yellow we prepare to stop. If I own the share my strategy turns on a searchlight to highlight the fact.

I'm a wimp

In my 'Dump it here thread' I've spoken about the virtues of being a wimp. I'm first to admit I'm a Wimp.


