Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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He posted a chart of his Growth or Power portfolio, forgot which one on the Chartist FB page a while ago I can't find it now. It was in a drawdown for more than a year. It will be very very difficult for any subscriber to keep on paying & follow someone else's system for that long period of time. Most subscribers probably won't be around when/if the system overcomes the drawdown.

All system providers should have a rule of no subscription fee for losing period. Something like a lot of systems on Collective2, $xx only if profitable for the month.

I have also searched for Radge's performance and could not find much, although he claims to have run a hedge fund in the past and used to have systems performance ran on Collective2 that are now removed.

On the bright side he is only charging $660 for each systems codes..unlike a lot of others for $3000+
