Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Re: IMF - IMF (Australia)

I brought some IMF today at $1.345 ive been watching for a long time and after much uming and arhing, and a couple of failed attempts to low ball other stocks i finally settled on IMF.

My reasons for including IMF in my long term portfolio are more about what it isn't than what it is, and how it fills a gap in my 18 stock portfolio, if that makes any sense?...ill list some of the things i like about IMF.

  • Unaffected by currency fluctuations.
  • Unaffected by consumer sentiment.
  • Unaffected by Market sentiment. (except of course in the extreme)
  • Unlikely to be affected by changes in legislation.
  • Unlikely to be affected by changes in technology.
  • No debt.
  • 43 mill cash (26% of market cap)
  • Super simple structure/overheads.
  • Market leader/great record of success.

IMF is a simple business dealing with complex issues and having great success, and they have proven in the past that when successful they are more than happy to pass that on to shareholders via dividends, now its the nature of there business that there revenue flow will be intermittent and i think anyone investing with IMF for the long term needs to except that.

Personally i think the ups and downs in revenue and thus dividends will offer many in and out/buy and build opportunity's..and that suits me just fine, 2 year chart below showing lots of (post GFC) support at around this level.

