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Completion of merger with CH2 Holdings Pty Limited

Paragon Care Limited (ASX:pGC) (Paragon) is pleased to confirm that the merger with CH2 Holdings Pty Limited (CH2) (Merger) completed on 3 June 2024.

Under the Merger, Paragon has acquired all of the issued share capital of CH2. Paragon has also issued 943,524,072 ordinary shares to Peter Andre Lacaze and Dianne Maree Lacaze as trustees for the Lacaze Family Trust and David Keith Collins and Cherie Maria Millar as trustees for the Collins Millar Family Trust.

The Merger is a transformative transaction for Paragon and is expected to create a leading healthcare wholesaler, distributor and manufacturer operating across healthcare markets in the Asia Pacific region.

Changes to the board of directors With effect from completion of the Merger:

• Shane Tanner, Geoffrey Sam and Brent Stewart have resigned as directors of Paragon; and

• David Collins, Carmen Riley and Peter Lacaze have been appointed as directors of Paragon.

John Walstab has resigned as managing director and will be replaced by David Collins.

Peter Lacaze will be appointed as the chairman of the board.

Alan McCarthy will remain on the board as Paragon's nominated independent director under the share sale agreement in respect of the Merger.

Appointment of new CEO As previously foreshadowed in the ASX announcement on 1 March 2024 and the notice of meeting and explanatory memorandum announced on 2 May 2024, John Walstab will step down as CEO and will be replaced by David Collins.

Mr Collins is the CEO of CH2 and has been CH2’s managing director since 2015.

 Mr Collins has over 20 years of experience in the healthcare industry across Australia and New Zealand. Under Mr Collins’ leadership, CH2 has evolved into a more diversified leading independent wholesaler.

A summary of the material terms of Mr Collins’ employment agreement is set out in Attachment 1.

Michael Peters will continue as Chief Financial Officer of the merged Group.

i hold PGC
