Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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You were abs right Kennas.

Just to add : mine planning and depillaring is an extensive engineering task. the current pit design and availability of suitable cut is also important. Then comes the access for trucks. Finally $$$ to make it viable. Sometimes it is worthwhile not to extend the mine pit until a sustainable cash return makes it viable on a very long term basis.

Now a days if the mine planning did not include EMRP then without another EIS and EMRP (environmental stuff) one can not expand the mine hole. God forbids if you get a spider while digging then greenies will come and you get stuffed - no approval. If it is in CHina they will even kill a human being found on the way. We will however gladly buy from them but in Australia killing a spider - you are joking. Sorry digraced out of frustration as now a days we face from so called uneconomic EMRP and EIS stuff.
