Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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:mad:As it was feared PRU came with the bad news to raise fund only from chosen mates of BGF Equity.

Beauty of this plan is it does raise the fund but tells the existing shareholders you are a useless bunch. Under the pretext of less than 15% equity volume, they will increase the equity every time and the gap only widens. For example if you have no of equity 10,0000, 000 then to raise less than 1.5 million shares PRU does not need share holders approval. So next time the volume will be increased to 11.49 millions. They do not have to take shareholders permission for raising 1.645 millions. It goes on :mad:

The direct beneficialires are BGF and their top notch people to get decent commission out of it plus get more fund from those sophisiticated investors for their next equity raising with another company. It is all legalised money making scheme.

I can just whinge unless join the queue to become a sophisticated investor as well as a mate of BGF Equity.

Probably ASIC is a lame duck like Crime and Corruption Commission.:banghead:
