Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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it closed at $2.19 today (Thursday 17 June 2010). Starting to look interesting.

It needs to convincingly break $2.26 on my chart (which I have as resistance level)

This part of Rodman and Renshaw Research on Perseus on 11 May 2010 is still relevant:-

Lead Project Central Ghana Gold Project (Ayanfuri), Ghana

Ownership 90% ADU, Government 10% (on development)

Proven/Probable Reserve 2.1 mill. oz (100% of project)

Resources 5.2 mill. oz (100% of project)

Status Awaiting EPA approval, then construction commences

Proposed gold production Year 1, 230,000 oz p.a., Years 1-4 average 220,000 oz

First Production Q3 2011

Mine Life > 10 years

Capex US$160m for a 5.5 mtpa plant

Cash Costs Year 1 and 2 US$392/oz, Mine Average US$494/oz

Electricity Costs 8-10 ¢ kWh/hr - 4 km from a 16KV line

Hedging May hedge 170-230,000 oz, depending on debt level

Debt Finance Offer on the table for US$80m

Recent Share Issue April 2010 - placed C$91m in Canada at $1.94, and A$29m in Aust.
